If Israel Ceased to Exist We Would See Peace in the Mid-East - Wrong
The recent demonstrations in Lebanon pushing to have more Hezbollah presence in the government is one more proof that Israel is not the key to peace in the Middle East. The Sunni - Shia conflict would be raging on perhaps with greater aggression if Israel did not exist. In fact the existence of Israel is one of the elements that ever draws these two enemies together. Another element is the U.S. presence in Iraq.
According to an AP news story:
In the U.S. we have a similar conflict on a lesser scale. The White/Black animosity from the days of slavery, second-class citizenry, bigotry and inequality cause many blacks to foment hatred for whites and the country in general. However, we see a trend that is very consistent: those that step up and put this hostility and hatred behind them see clearly to look at what is best for their future and the welfare of their families. Many in the black community are pressing ahead and meeting success and in some cases great prosperity.
In the Middle-East men and woman allow themselves to look to the right and left at what their neighbor is doing and saying. Instead of thinking for themselves in behalf of their families, they allow themselves to get swept up into the tornado of hatred and conflict. Opportunities pass them by every day. In the end, if they survive that long, they are old-still embroiled in hatred and conflict and nothing to show for it. In reality they are puppets on a string and pawns for other men who take advantage to gain power and wealth. Look around. The puppet masters who hold the strings live very well don't they?
The masses keep falling for the lie that Israel and now the U.S. is the enemy. Since the conflict would continue if Israel and the U.S. left the region, the real enemy is within the heart of the masses. This enemy is called hatred and is placed in hearts by the puppet masters for personal gain.
According to an AP news story:
Buoyed by the big turnout after a week of street protests, the pro-Syria opposition gave Prime Minister Fuad Saniora an ultimatum of a "few days" to accept its demand to form a national unity government with a big role for Hezbollah or face an escalating campaign to oust him.Lebanon had a great opportunity to be independent from Syria and many place their sectarian loyalties above that. Do these people realize that a stronger Hezbollah presence means more conflict? Do any of these marching in the streets for Hezbollah ever stop to think what is best for their future and for their families? Or do they only think of hatred and centuries-old hostilities?
In the U.S. we have a similar conflict on a lesser scale. The White/Black animosity from the days of slavery, second-class citizenry, bigotry and inequality cause many blacks to foment hatred for whites and the country in general. However, we see a trend that is very consistent: those that step up and put this hostility and hatred behind them see clearly to look at what is best for their future and the welfare of their families. Many in the black community are pressing ahead and meeting success and in some cases great prosperity.
In the Middle-East men and woman allow themselves to look to the right and left at what their neighbor is doing and saying. Instead of thinking for themselves in behalf of their families, they allow themselves to get swept up into the tornado of hatred and conflict. Opportunities pass them by every day. In the end, if they survive that long, they are old-still embroiled in hatred and conflict and nothing to show for it. In reality they are puppets on a string and pawns for other men who take advantage to gain power and wealth. Look around. The puppet masters who hold the strings live very well don't they?
The masses keep falling for the lie that Israel and now the U.S. is the enemy. Since the conflict would continue if Israel and the U.S. left the region, the real enemy is within the heart of the masses. This enemy is called hatred and is placed in hearts by the puppet masters for personal gain.
At 1:08 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well done.
At 7:50 AM,
Malott said…
Great post.
If we do leave Iraq and war breaks out between Sunni and Shiites, do you think it will spread beyond Iraq-Iran? If you look up the "Shiite Crescent" on Wikipedia, it's obvious that a war on a grander scale is very possible.
At 7:57 AM,
Malott said…
... can you imagine the refugees?
Can you imagine the migration, the immigration... the proliferation of what we see in Europe?
At 9:21 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Thanks for the comments. I am not sure if you are aware but somehow my blog was added via an atom feed to two blogs from Lebanon.
When I create a post it appears on a list on these two blogs. My Sitemeter tells me how many hits are coming from there. I got so many hits from my Carter posts. I thought for sure I would get a lot of traffic from this post. I was surprised at how few hits came. It was kind of disappointing. I don't think they hear much that there is more to life than violence and hatred. I was hoping this message would get to more of them
At 7:14 AM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
If Israel Ceased to Exist We Would See Peace in the Mid-East - Wrong
Well Spinachboy this is one that you finally got right, but it is not for reasons that you give.
It should be readily apparent to all the DIMMEST of RED STATE INBREDS that your Fearless leader Chimpus Maximus aka Bush has really screwed the Pooch in Iraq and has sowed the seeds of Civil War and the possible destabilization of the Middle East as a whole with his war of choice for years if not decades to come. Even all the Draft Dodging Neocons that pushed for this Failure have backed away from supporting it.
So that leaves you and the shrinking MINORITY of DITTOHEADS here supporting this mess.
Now we are told that the military is stretched to the BREAKING POINT and more CANNON FODDER is needed to fight Bush's Mess in the Middle East.
So, since it is apparent that this ie the volunteer army is not working I will once again ask "WHY THE HELL aren't you, all the GOP/BUSHBOTs here and your relatives that are of age not GOOSESTEPPING to your recruiter to enlist?"
Your either with your FUHRER and support all his FAILUREs or your with the terrorists...what is your choice???
At 9:24 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
So, since it is apparent that this ie the volunteer army is not working I will once again ask "WHY THE HELL aren't you, all the GOP/BUSHBOTs here and your relatives that are of age not GOOSESTEPPING to your recruiter to enlist?"
You have shot your mouth off on this one too many times Joe. For your information my oldest son has joined the Marines. So you can retire this very, very tired statement now.
As for the rest of your comments, even if we had never invaded Iraq, my argument would still stand. The Arab world is divided and each sides hates the other almost as much as they hate Israel and the U.S. There was a lot of blood spilled before 1948.
At 1:03 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
//You have shot your mouth off on this one too many times Joe. For your information my oldest son has joined the Marines. So you can retire this very, very tired statement now.//
No buddy..just exercising my RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN to free speech that you right wing types would love nothing more to censor or shutdown.
I wish your son the best as I have relatives in the Military also getting ready to fight this IDIOTS MESS.
Now, I will continue to beat the dead horse and SHOOT OFF MY MOUTH and call for a draft and for those that can't serve TO PAY with a tax increase to insure that those who serve will recieve the best equiptment possible before being deployed and not have to suffer by having to fight the war on the cheap like that Idiot Rumsfeld tried.
Let me assure you that if their was a vested interest as well as loved one that served in ANY military conflict Americans as WHOLE would think REAL hard before they sent Sons and daughters, Husbands and Wives to a foreign land to fight in any conflict let alone a Ill concieved and executed one like Iraq.
Now if we can only get the DRUNKEN Bush Twins to serve.
//The Arab world is divided and each sides hates the other almost as much as they hate Israel and the U.S. There was a lot of blood spilled before 1948.
9:24 AM //
Yes,But before this Moron ie Bush and his push for Democracy in the Mid East the Gaza strip was controlled by the Jews, now they are on the brink of Civil War, The Islamic Whackos are gaining a foot in Lebennon, Also, before this lie based debacle in Iraq,Saddam was contained and a buffer against Iran. Now, with this Cluster in Iraq we have the Iranians backing the Shiites and the Saudis soon to be supporting the Sunnis with the whole region on the brink of DESTABILIZATION, all thanks to The Chimp and his Neo Con handlers...Heckuva Job Bushie!
At 3:13 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
No buddy..just exercising my RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN to free speech that you right wing types would love nothing more to censor or shutdown.
You do have a right to speak, but not a right to be heard or read. Also the right to speak or write does not guarantee that the words are coherent and sane. No matter how badly you want to change the facts by repeating nonsense again and again, the truth will win in the end.
At 4:48 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
//No matter how badly you want to change the facts by repeating nonsense again and again, the truth will win in the end.
3:13 PM //
Whatever you say Pal, Everything that I have stated above I CAN BACK WITH FACTS..unlike you and your Fearless leader.
Once again you are right and this truth is becoming readily apparent for all to see that all Bush and his Neocon handlers espoused as fact and truth about Iraq and the remaking of a Democratic Middle East has been proven WRONG as the Middle East slides towards chaos all thanks to the Bush Doctrine.
A doctrine that is a verifiable FAILURe..like his presidency.
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
What does everyone think of what is going on in Iraq?
Wow, I've found the same to be true too! Where did you get that at?
Bye, - Becky!
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At 12:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
what is your favorite color of....mine is blue!
Wow, I've found the same to be true too! How did you find that?
Bye, - MyGirl!
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