When the Guard Drops Truth Comes Out
NewsBusters has busted CNN reporter Bob Franken for accidentally eeking out a truthful moment about the Dems. Since the Dems big win in the recent elections, things must be getting very cozy in the media rooms: so much so that the media's guard may be coming down and they are starting to leak out truthful moments. Bob Franken in an otherwise routine story made the following statement:
But many experts say that designating this a civil war will undermine U.S. support even more, which might explain why so many Democrats are jumping on the bandwagon.So basically in an unguarded moment Franken shows the desire of the Dems to undermine the US in the war in Iraq instead of hoping for a good outcome. Shall we next hear the media slip up and point out how similar the rhetoric of terrorists and insurgents is to the rhetoric of the Democrats. The funny part is that the media will not be able to help themselves. They simply get too giddy when liberals get in power to help themselves. Look for many more slips in the future.
At 8:31 AM,
Malott said…
We have no hope of presenting a united front in the war on terror until the Democrats own both the Congress and the White House.
Until then, the MSM and the Dems will use our security as just another tool to advance a Party and an agenda.
At 1:18 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
//Shall we next hear the media slip up and point out how similar the rhetoric of terrorists and insurgents is to the rhetoric of the Democrats. The funny part is that the media will not be able to help themselves. They simply get too giddy when liberals get in power to help themselves. Look for many more slips in the future.
posted by All_I_Can_Stands at 7:44 PM on Nov 30 2006 //
IS the best you can do??? Your reaching. God forbid you ask any questions about the motivations for as well as the reasons for the TOTAL DEBACLE that is Iraq. Face it, when the Dems take over and the investigations begin you will see the corruption and the ineptitude that lies behind Iraq and the Bush Administration as a whole, but then again that would mean that you would have to think for yourself and admit that maybe there is something wrong. So what's next the same ole Bush/GOP refrain " your either with us or against us"????
Yeah, and Iraq going into Civil War had nothing to do with POOR PLANNING AND INCOMPETENCE...it was all because the Dems wanted us to lose..GET REAL.
Face it, as Bush and Rove already have, you guys have and had it ALL wrong and because you do and did you now will have to dance to the tune played by the FORMER MINORITY party. Enjoy the investigations...I know I will.
Malott said...
//Until then, the MSM and the Dems will use our security as just another tool to advance a Party and an agenda.
8:31 AM //
Kinda like Bush did to start this war in Iraq and to shove his whole agenda through Congress and in the process has given us a two front war, both of which were getting our asses kicked in and the country is BANKRUPT!!
Hey, I don't blame you for your inability to see the REAL cause and effect in this world cause in the GOP/BUSH Bizzaro world iNCOMPETENCE is Noteworhty and FAILURE is rewarded and those that speak the truth are sacked and punished. Yes, given the state of Iraq isn't it about time for Rumsfeld to recieve his FREEDOM MEDAL.
I just love you GOP BOOTLICKS and you ability to Spin the Reality that the rest of the country and the world lives in to your own twisted liking.
At 3:12 PM,
Return to Westernesse said…
"in the GOP/BUSH Bizzaro world iNCOMPETENCE is Noteworhty and FAILURE is rewarded and those that speak the truth are sacked and punished."
Joe, I'm afraid you and many like you are the ones living in the "bizzaro world." With all that has been accomplished in Iraq in under four years, it is hard for me to believe how many of you argue that Bush is incompetent and this war is a failure; but you do. I know I'm not going to convince you, which is why I'm not going to bother with all the facts that offer irrefutable proof that this war has been a tremendous success. I just felt that your ranting needed a response.
At 4:59 PM,
paw said…
I just want to call attention to this for anyone that passes by:
"...this war has been a tremendous success."
At 5:55 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
//Return to Westernesse said...
, which is why I'm not going to bother with all the facts that offer irrefutable proof that this war has been a tremendous success. I just felt that your ranting needed a response.
3:12 PM //
Just wondering??? are you for ****ing real???????
IRAQ IS IN CIVIL WAR and this after your FURHRER proclaimed MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in 2003.
Your lame arguement is like Karl Rove saying before the Elections as ALL projected defeat for the evil GOP that "YOUR entitled to your Math,but I have "THE MATH" that tells me that we ie the GOP will win". Gee, did he get those numbers from the same place where Rumsfeld got the Info as to where those Elusive WMD's were. Did he get that MATH from the same place that Bush got the IDea that Democracy would flourish in the middle east? GIVE ME FACTS PAL!!!!!! BUSH=FAILURE!!! plain and simple!!!
You and all the rest of the true believers can be POSITIVE OF ONE THING and that is the REAL FACTS will come out in the impending investigations after the 1st of the year.
Here is a prediction from the EMIR OF SMOE ie that in 2 years by the end of the BUSHCO regime when Iraq is in a VERFIABLE SHAMBLES and all the facts about the corruption that is BUSHCO is made known your beloved neofascist GOP cause will be setback decades...just like Nixon.
Don't think so...GIVE ME FACTS!!!!
At 6:42 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
It's so good to see you again! I had forgotten about that special charm to be found in well-placed caps.
At 9:54 AM,
Return to Westernesse said…
You want facts? Here are a few. If you are determining that a war is a failure based on the number of casualties, then the American Civil War and World War II were both horrible failures as approximately 500,000 Americans were killed in the Civil War, and 400,000 were killed in WWII. If you are determining that a war is a failure based on the length of time from beginning to end, then almost every American War has been a failure, since they took longer than the current three-and-a-half-year Iraq War. If you are determining that a war is a failure based on the transition from war to a smoothly-running democracy, then America is the biggest failure ever, since after the Revolution, it took 80 years and a Civil War to hash out all the problems we faced in creating our own democracy (republic, if you want to be technical.) Or, if you believe the American democratic experiment was a success, then you ould say that Iraq is 80 years ahead of schedule, since they have moved right into their civil war to work out their differences.
I could go on with facts, but I'd like to know, if you are basing your "failed war" theory on something other than the bases I have suggested, please share.
And by the way, President Bush didn't say, "War Over." He said, "Mission Accomplished." The mission of defeating Iraq militarily was accomplished long ago. What we are doing now is cleaning up messes caused by Saddam and his followers and by terrorist insurgents from both inside and outside Iraq.
At 1:07 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
IS the best you can do??? Your reaching
Joe, please share with me the differences between what the insurgents and terrorists are saying and what the Dems and their media buddies are saying. When I see these differences defined, we will see how far I am reaching.
Yeah, and Iraq going into Civil War
Joe, are you that prone to suggestion by the media to begin using their newly coined term "civil war" so readily? Please compare Iraq to other known civil wars in history and show me the similarities. I think you would have a hard time.
At 1:24 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Excellent comparison with US history. I would add that the liberals so eager to undermine the effort in Iraq are quite blind to the danger they place the country in. To have two consecutive ground wars end in the US not having the stomach to complete the task would be too strong of a precedent to hope to overcome it in future needs.
Combine that with the expanding threat of radical Islam and this country and the rest of the world as we know it is in serious danger.
Of course why worry about such small things when there is the GOP and Bush to bring down.
Of course people like Joe will claim I am reaching until Sharia law finds its way to the US like it has in the UK and the rest of Europe.
At 11:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
AICS, malott, r2w and all the rest of you deluded enough to say the war in Iraq is a tremendous success and that Democrats want the terrorists to win:
If his name was Arabic in any way, you all would have been peeing all over yourselves with excitement and/or anguish and this story would have been screaming across headlines everywhere, with FOX News and the fact-averse reich-wing blogosphere trying to take credit for the guy's capture.
But instead, he's just a white, right wing extremist terrorist and so his story didn't even make the front page of the local paper let alone the big bad MSM headlines.
Demetrius "Van" Crocker of McKenzie, convicted in April of attempting to obtain a chemical weapon and possession of stolen explosives, was sentenced to 30 years in prison Tuesday by U.S. District Judge James Todd in Jackson.
Crocker, who told undercover FBI agents of his desire to explode a briefcase bomb while Congress was in session, was found guilty by a jury in about 90 minutes in April.
The 40-year-old farmhand and father of two was convicted of accepting what he thought were ingredients to make Sarin nerve gas and a block of C-4 explosive from undercover agents in October 2004.
I wish you people would get a clue about the MSM and your AWOL blue-blood clown in the Oval Office before you open your mouths, but that is asking a lot of your intellectually lazy Malkin-obsessed and unconsciously Boortz-Beck plagiarist brains. Your "liberal media bias" theory is a load of paranoid crap that has been disproven time and again. If you had any respect for facts or the truth you would know that.
r2w, have some cold hard facts about the failure that is the Iraq War: thousands of dead Americans and many many billions of US taxpayer dollars wasted on an invasion that was totally unnecessary and a complete distraction from the real pursuit of real terrorists in Afghanistan. Unnecessary because as Rice and Powell had correctly asserted in 2001, Iraq had no "significant capabilities" regarding WMD, and was so feeble that it couldn't even threaten the countries around it with conventional military power. A complete distraction because it's now been 1904 days since Chippy said he would get bin Laden and the State Department continues to issue reports of dramatic and steady increases in terrorism since 9/11.
What a tremendous success. You're really on the ball.
Did you ever consider that one way to stem the tide of the threat of radical Islam is to stop unnecessarily bombing Muslim countries and killing their people and promoting Muslim/Arab profiling? You've got a white nutjob spewing racial epithets just sentenced to 30 years for wanting to bomb Congress using chemical weapons and Castagana, another white nutjob and avowed Coulter/Malkin fan arrested for sending anthrax threats, so when will I hear you clamoring for profiling of white people?
Here's two people who have committed terrorist acts on American soil since 9/11. Where is your outrage about THAT? You obviously have no such outrage probably because those people look and sound exactly like you. So go ahead and drivel on about the imagined similarity of rhetoric between terrorists and Democrats if you want, but realize that your rhetoric is specifically the same rhetoric used by terrorists. Another major difference is that Reid and Pelosi and Conyers look nothing like al Sadr or bin Laden, while you look exactly like Castagana and Crocker.
At 4:55 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Here's two people who have committed terrorist acts on American soil since 9/11. Where is your outrage about THAT? You obviously have no such outrage probably because those people look and sound exactly like you.
I am not sure why you claim there would be no outrage on our part. The fact is I have not even heard of this guy. I usually do not read the Jackson Sun. If it was reported elsewhere, I don't recall it. Of course I am outraged at the taking of innocent life or the attempt to do so. I was outraged when Timothy McVeigh implemented the OKC bombing. In short, you are way off on your thinking here.
At 11:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Pathetic response AICS. Of course you haven't heard of Castagana and Crocker because Powerline and Malkin and your other fact-challenged "news sources" will not report about white male conservative terrorists. Duh.
Your response shows zero outrage about these white bread American good old boy terrorists and zero outrage about the lack of proper MSM reporting on this terrorist threat on American territory. I think you show no outrage about it because these plots were formented by white male conservatives who, like you, admire and trumpet the same blogs and Coulter-Malkin-OReilly-Limbaugh hate speech. You rail on and on about crappy MSM reporting and vent your rage about Arabs and Muslims thousands of miles away, but obviously could care less about terrorists on American soil because they're white male conservatives like yourself.
If you were so outraged about these homegrown terrorist plots, you would have posted about them. You have not. If you were so outraged about sloppy MSM reporting keeping stories like these off the front pages of the major papers and TV, you would have posted about them. You have not.
What will your excuse be this time? You've been informed about these incidents now, so your claim of ignorance is invalid. Will your argument against doing posts about this stuff be because you don't have enough time or interest to post on plots and acts of domestic terrorism?
My thinking is not way off on this. My thinking is right on the money and you sir, are a hypocrite.
At 11:51 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Once again pathetically criticized for what I do not write. It is you, that are the pathetic one who sits on a perch criticizing the writings of others while too cowardly to have a blog of your own. Try stepping out of your sheltered bubble of criticizing comfort and write something of your own on a consistent basis that you must defend against armchair critics.
Until you come into the real world and expose yourself to some critique, it is getting more and more difficult to take anything you say seriously.
By the way, my sitemeter statistics show that other than our cozy group of about 6 regulars, next to nobody reads the comments here. Outside the group I would say 1-2 visitors out of 100 clicks on a comment. Thought you might be interested.
At 10:57 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
One other point to make your claim ridiculous is that Crocker's conviction happened in October 2004 - 7 months before I began this blog. Why would I post on something that old?
Pathetic (your immature word choice not mine)
At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
One other point to make your claim ridiculous is that Crocker's conviction happened in October 2004 - 7 months before I began this blog. Why would I post on something that old?
Pathetic (your immature word choice not mine) - AICS
Call it immature if you like, but it is now ESPECIALLY accurate, and so deserves a little extra.
Absolutely pathetic.
Crocker was CONVICTED in APRIL 2006 and SENTENCED in NOVEMBER 2006.
Once again, your extremely sloppy reading/research skills show up plain as day and as destructive as ever:
The 40-year-old farmhand and father of two was convicted of accepting what he thought were ingredients to make Sarin nerve gas and a block of C-4 explosive from undercover agents in October 2004.
This could be a confusing grammar construct about being convicted for a crime committed in October 2004, but really, it's not confusing at all, especially for any devotees of Logic. And besides, this quote (at the top of and barely 30 words into the story, making the chronology all quite clear) immediately preceeded the quote above:
Crocker, who told undercover FBI agents of his desire to explode a briefcase bomb while Congress was in session, was found guilty by a jury in about 90 minutes in April.
The dateline on the article is November 29, 2006.
Why not actually take the time to READ THOROUGHLY before you rush to bluster? You get your panties in a twist and then they get caught around your ankles and you fall flat on your face. It's not pretty.
At 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is you, that are the pathetic one who sits on a perch criticizing the writings of others while too cowardly to have a blog of your own. Try stepping out of your sheltered bubble of criticizing comfort and write something of your own on a consistent basis that you must defend against armchair critics.
Until you come into the real world and expose yourself to some critique, it is getting more and more difficult to take anything you say seriously. - AICS
Amusing, for the following reasons:
1) Moving the goalposts is not a viable means of debate. First you chastise me for not using a blog name - saying you can't take me seriously because you can't track my consistency. So I offer you a blog name to provide you with consistency. Now you say you can't take me seriously because I don't post a blog URL. This is called "moving the goalposts" and is just an attempt to deflect attention away from an honest and serious critique of your work.
2) This is an additionally and especially laughable challenge coming from someone who thinks that it's an unfair challenge to armchair generals, war cheerleaders, Bush apologists and chickenhawks that they walk the walk by putting down their keyboards and getting into a pair of combat boots to go fight Bush's war that they love so much. According to top Pentagon brass, we're at least 11,000 troops shy of the proposed "surge" amount, so enlistment is at a premium now.
I give you a run for your money. I make you think and reconsider what and how you write because lazy research, writing and analysis has no place under the banner of Logic, the banner you chose for yourself. You complain of being criticized for what you DON'T write. Criticizing you for NOT writing about acts of domestic terrorism perpetrated by WHITE MALE CONSERVATIVES is based entirely on your self-annointed MSM watchdog status and your requisite selective and hyper-partisan writings. You claim to be for responsible media but let all sorts of vicious ugly plain-as-day-obvious things slip by while you get derailed by idiotic crap like the Newsbusters lead on this post.
Here's a direct quote from you at the top of this post:
Franken shows the desire of the Dems to undermine the US in the war in Iraq instead of hoping for a good outcome.
What stupid drivel. Be thin skinned and call me immature if you like, but still beating this long dead and decaying horse that Dems want to undermine the US and its troops is itself immature and completely ignorant thug-speak. If I'm not mistaken, the ONLY member of Congress to have a child in Iraq is a DEMOCRAT. Dramatically more Democrats than Republicans in office have worn the uniform.
And despite asking you people a million times over, you still have yet to EVER offer a description of what "success" or a "good outcome" will be in Iraq.
At 7:50 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Your speaking of chickenhawks is quite amusing given the fact that you beat your chest so ferociously when commenting yet have no courage to start and maintain your own blog.
Call it moving the goal posts if you like. I did not present it as a point of debate. I presented it as the fact that it is. You have the same opportunity as I do to put forth your own ideas and posts. Yet you know how badly you will be busted on anything you create.
Destruction is so much easier than construction. Take a word from your hero Dan Rather: courage.
At 8:10 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
So it was Crockers actions that took place in 2004. Once again, a story that began in 2004 before my blog. It is grasping at straws to then state that the recent conviction and sentencing deserved a post here.
Crocker is an evil man and deserved what he got. However, to take this single story and compare it to the terrorism that faces us from large blocks of organized Muslim radicals is laughable.
I do not claim that terrorism is limited to Muslims, but the ratio between Muslim and non-muslim terrorism is astronomical.
If you think the two are in the same league and deserve the same attention, then you are way out there.
You think it is about political correctness making sure that stories are balanced between the two instead of the danger that radical Islam presents to the entire world.
Your concept that I sit around sifting out anything that makes white people look bad is ridiculous.
And sorry to beat a dead horse, but if you had your own blog you could write posts every day about Crocker if you wish. If you think that Crocker represents what most needs to be written about, then write about it.
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