UN Peacekeepers Continue Sexual Exploitation in Liberia
The story explains why it is so easy to exploit the young girls:Save the Children, which surveyed nearly 160 children and about 170 adults who were either living in camps or had recently returned home, said they were repeatedly told of girls having sex with older men in exchange for money, food and other goods.
The accused included peacekeeping troops, aid workers and other powerful men in the community. The report did not give the nationality of the aid workers or peacekeepers involved. About 17,000 U.N. peacekeepers are based in Liberia.
Yes, it is easy to see why the exploitation can be accomplished. What is tough to swallow is that this comes at the hands of the vaunted United Nations. It also has been brought to the world's attention several times and yet it continues with "little change" and little world outrage. Those who look to the UN to lead the world, should see that they cannot even patrol themselves. When it comes to doing the right thing, the UN shows itself to be impotent. But when it comes to exploiting young starving girls impotence is far from the problem."With the coming in of a new government, mechanisms are being put in place to limit these kinds of things," said Mohammed Sheriff, Liberia's deputy health minister.
But Sheriff cautioned that preventing sex transactions is a difficult task for a poor country still recovering from years of violence.
"We have parents that have so many children — eight to 10 — that are not able to cope with the meager amount of money they have," he said. "People live below 25 cents (per day); so you can look at reasons why these thing may happen."
At 1:11 AM,
HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said…
You do need to recheck your links, I tried them and they weren’t working. Just thought I’d mention that to help you. I did find the article through searching.
I thank you for posting such and article because this problem as I have read past articles is also a big problem in Iraq.
One little girl about nine if I remember the article correctly was kidnapped and raped by several American Military men that she was severely damaged on the inside and she can never have children when she grows up. I know their was some criticism from Americans that this being and Islamic country she would be disowned, but this is not so since she was a rape victim. Otherwise, it wasn’t her fault.
Also, there are countless other cases of women and children being kidnapped and rapped in Iraq. It had gotten so bad that families where afraid for women to go outside or for children to even go outside to play.
Just thought I would share this with you.
At 4:46 AM,
LA Sunset said…
One little girl about nine if I remember the article correctly was kidnapped and raped by several American Military men that she was severely damaged on the inside and she can never have children when she grows up.
I doubt this happened, because the leftist MSM would have been all over this. If you have a link, please provide it.
At 6:20 AM,
Malott said…
I couldn't agree more. If the story was true we would have pictures of the girl and 24 hour coverage of the investigation.
At 7:41 AM,
HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said…
This article is true it came out over a year ago and LASunsett doubting my word is your opinion but one thing I have never done is lie. That is against everything I believe. And If you had read closely I was relaying something that was read in the past, do you have links for the countless things you have read so far from the time you learned how to turn on a computer.
Malott dear, something I do not understand, much is going on in Iraq that is not being covered like it should. In all honesty, I think many people would be protesting more or even worse then they are now if they really heard and seen everything. I have started on my blog page to put things more and more as I find them on Iraq because I have always believed people should know the truth.
At 8:22 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
The links in the quotes came along when I cut and pasted them. I should have cleaned that out, but it was late. These are only Search links anyway, not to a story. Kindof like Wikipedia does.
I do believe that you believe this rape of the girl happened. However, I do agree that our media is so hostile toward Bush and the war that a story such as this would be huge here. While you might not lie, there are those everywhere who will.
Also, LA asking for a link was not a challenge. We bloggers hunger for links and often ask if there is one.
I will point out again that we see our media critical of Bush and the war at every turn. They even are printing national security secrets such as the NSA wiretapping. However one interprets the rightness or wrongness of the wiretapping, one must interpret that there is no favor for Bush or the war in the US media. There is no holding back in their zeal to bring him down. I am not sure how much you follow the daily news in the US, but when you watch it every day to us it is like a pack of hungry wolves waiting to find something to be critical about on Bush or the war. This is what makes us skeptical that if there were any "horror" stories out there that could be validated our media would be all over it.
Finally, there are rogues in every military group. I have not doubt some of our soldiers have done some bad things. I do not believe it to be rampant and I do believe if caught, they would be severely punished. Such things put other soldiers and our lives in danger.
We also have seen that the insurgency in Iraq justifies killing of innocents. I also believe they justify lying as a propoganda tool if they feel it would further their cause. So while I do not question your honesty, I do question theirs.
Of course I question everything. It is quite a big job sorting through all of this and determining the truth.
At 10:59 AM,
LA Sunset said…
This article is true it came out over a year ago and LASunsett doubting my word is your opinion but one thing I have never done is lie.
Who said anything about lying?
I asked for a link and that's all.
Where is this article? Who published it? Who wrote it? These are the usual questions that intelligent people ask, when they are hearing any kind of accusation or being asked to accept something something as fact.
So, I ask again, where did you hear/read this and can you provide a link? To not answer this indicates to me that this is nothing more than hearsay and in your opinion, it is true.
At 11:48 AM,
HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said…
As for where I got the information I read the article if I remember correctly over a year ago and the computer I used to have actually did not survive your Hurricane Katrina as with the lost of much information and links.
I to check and recheck information to validate it as the truth or not. This I agree with everyone.
And as for the American Military, like society their is your good and bad.
Back again to the information at hand, I found if I remember correctly on an Islamic News site that was given to me by my brother. And again, I did here recheck the information and what I found at that time after much searching I did believe it to be the truth of the rogue people.
As I tried to mentioned before the exact place I know longer know, but at this time I am attempting to relook for the information.
As for Bush, this is a different matter, I to filter the propaganda on him and what I know about him I will not discuss here.
Also All_I_Can_Stands thank you for clarifying about what happened to your page and I understand very much about lateness and being tired. Myself I am suffering a bit of exhaustion myself, my husband actually requesting I take a break and a rest today.
As for being hungry for links I do completely understand, I will try to do better in the future. I am still rather new at blogging. Also, I will say I do regular freelance Journalism, a lot of reading besides the net and like you with life a gaining of some wisdom. For I am not a child either and I say this with respect and a little smile.
Kind of foot note, hearsay is what in English is called a sin and this to me is unacceptable.
I hope I answered everyone the best I could think of at this time.
At 12:43 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
Housewife, you said:
I know their was some criticism from Americans that this being and Islamic country she would be disowned, but this is not so since she was a rape victim. Otherwise, it wasn’t her fault.
I understand that rape isn't the little girl's fault, but I've read too many reports in the news over the past several months of Muslim women who were raped, and then their father/brother/husband killed them in an honor killing, because they believed that she had shamed the family.
Maybe they treat their little girls differently. I sure hope so.
I read a headline, last week I think (short memory, sorry), that said the UN was planning to send their peacekeepers to another country. My first thought was that the last thing a troubled country needs is a bunch of rapists headed there under the protection of the UN banner.
Great post.
At 1:44 PM,
HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said…
SkyePuppy, Sharia Law no one who is raped is condemned to death but the rapist. Now immorality for either party is different. I do not know where you are getting your information but it sounds like a Western journalist with their understanding, not what is actually according to Islam.
As for shaming the family, it sounded more like a morality issue then rape.
Also, I will say there is Muslims that are Muslim in name only just like in other religions these days and they are not respectable people by true Muslims. Not to offend, but what some people in
America is having problems with immoral behavior we are too. And like I hope many of you feel we do not like this behavior.
But anyone who rapes should pay the price!
At 3:28 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
SkyePuppy, I think this is your first post. I have seen you on Malott's blog. Welcome and I hope you come by often. Thanks for your comments.
At 5:59 PM,
LA Sunset said…
I found if I remember correctly on an Islamic News site that was given to me by my brother.
Islamic news sites are not the most credible of sources these days. You can choose to believe them if you wish, but I will not. That is, unless other sources can confirm the story.
Sorry, I don't think this is a credible story. If it was, the MSM in America and other countries would have jumped all over it.
At 6:02 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Not to offend, but what some people in America is having problems with immoral behavior we are too. And like I hope many of you feel we do not like this behavior.
Housewife, you are absolutely correct. In the US we have a disgraceful number of rapists and we also have a lot of immorality which is not illegal here.
For rape the discussion we would be interested in is the punishment. I think in the US the punishment is far too light which leads to repeat offenders. In middle-eastern countries we have been led to believe that the man often gets away with it because he is a man and that the woman gets blamed for it because she is a woman.
There is a lot that we hear through jounalists, blogs and other sources that seems too incredible to believe. Many of us have decided to believe it based on what we have read, so I am sure it will come up in future discussions.
At 1:58 AM,
HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said…
Just like murder, rape is punishable by death. I put it politely when I said, “But anyone who rapes should pay the price!” Also, you may not know that in Islam men and women actually have equality; we have had this for centuries.
Also, I will admit as a Muslim woman, I am treated with the greatest respect; like most women in the Middle East that I know of. I know I have heard we are treated like second class and I will assure you from my own experiences I have never seen or been treated in this manner. If anything, like an old saying in my country, I am treated like a Queen. I have had my husband kiss my hands, feet and say to kiss me is like honey. I say this with the hope you would understand.
I do not know always what the American journalists are saying about us, so I am sorry I can not answer that statement. If you would, I would appreciate knowing what they have said about us. Because, I think if there is a misunderstanding people should learn otherwise. I am one person that feels, that the East and West should understand each other with the hope we can have better appreciation of each other then what I seem to see now.
As for immorality, it is frowned on I assure you; like when someone does get out of place with me and I am sorry to say it seems to be the younger generation mostly that I do not tolerate this kind of behavior because to do anything against Allah (God) isn’t acceptable. This is my opinion, that there are so many good things in this world; why do the bad things.
Anytime, I can help all_ I_can_stands please just ask. And please know I try to be a very good person.
At 7:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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