Catchy Bush Was Right Music Video
Click here to view a catchy music video proclaiming "Bush Was Right". There have been quite a few anti-Bush songs lately, it was fun to see the opposite. Be sure and listen to the whole thing as the end has some clever wording. I don't know who these guys are but they have some talent and the lead singer has a pretty good voice. Maybe they need to go where the Dixie Chicks fizzled before running for the northern border.
Hat tip Mr. Pilot
Hat tip Mr. Pilot
At 2:16 AM,
Jacob said…
A very spurious look at Bush's policies. Funny, though.
At 6:33 AM,
Malott said…
That was great...
At 9:39 AM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
Say what you want about the Dixie Chcicks they are number#1 on the Billboard chart even as bush's republican Attack machine Villified them for having the audacity to actually exercise the RIGHT of free speech.
Hey, maybe as the RIGHT WING AGENDA says: the toothless inbreds of Red State America want to hear what they have to say since Bush has been proven wrong on most things that he put forward as truth.
What I want to know is Why isn't that Crooning Rube Toby Keith over in Iraq as he supported this Moron and his cluster????
So Toby's latest is titled "WHITE TRASH WITH MONEY" Something to be really proud of...Rube!
At 9:47 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
No how does it make much sense that the Dixie Chicks are #1, yet can't sell at concerts. And don't give me this red state thing. Red states have plenty of blue people in them.
It seems more likely to me that people like George Soros fund buying tons of these records and books that are full of liberal bilge. These purchases would artificially appear that people are interested in their tripe. Then either Soros and company have a big garage sale at some point or we are using valuable landfill space to store all these copies.
The only problem is that they can only fill one seat at a concert and so their plan is exposed.
Just a theory ;)
At 10:39 AM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
It seems more likely to me that people like George Soros fund buying tons of these records and books that are full of liberal bilge. These purchases would artificially appear that people are interested in their tripe. Then either Soros and company have a big garage sale at some point or we are using valuable landfill space to store all these copies.
The only problem is that they can only fill one seat at a concert and so their plan is exposed.
Just a theory ;)
COME ON PAL...IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO??????????? That's almost as bad as the continuously changing reason why were in Iraq.
At 12:09 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
COME ON PAL...IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO??????????? That's almost as bad as the continuously changing reason why were in Iraq.
No it is not the best I can do, but since this is in the light-hearted category, I'm holdin' back.
As for the changing reasons, this is so easily debunked. All one needs to do is look at the name of the operation at the beginning: "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to know that WMD and Iraqi Freedom were on the table at the same time for justification. This "changing justification" stuff is simply libs manufacturing straw men to argue against. I heard all of the justification points in the State of the Union speech prior to invasion. Libs play on short memories and stupidity to get away with making their wild claims.
At 2:14 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
As for the changing reasons, this is so easily debunked. All one needs to do is look at the name of the operation at the beginning: "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to know that WMD and Iraqi Freedom were on the table at the same time for justification. This "changing justification" stuff is simply libs manufacturing straw men to argue against. I heard all of the justification points in the State of the Union speech prior to invasion. Libs play on short memories and stupidity to get away with making their wild claims.
12:09 PM
Get Real!!!! Bush bum rushed us into this BS war with bad intel, Half Truths and out right lies and now 2500 guys have paid the price for this draft dodger and his mistake...I mean Lie.
So what is the reason for the war this week?
Now he is using the death of Zarquiwi(sp?) to once again say that everything is great and getting better and use this CLUSTER in IRaq as a wedge issue in he gets ready to bail out. NO ONE should ever forget that this is Bush's War of Chioce and that all FAILURES in it can be traced back to him. Also, this BS War has nothing to do with the War on terror. Now it is all about not letting the rest of the Middle East being destabilized from this MISTAKE.
I know anyone that doesn't blindly parrot the GOP line is a LIBeral??? Well then put me down as a Gun owning, Lou Dobbs watching, BUSH HATING Liberal.
At 7:39 AM,
Malott said…
Anyone [not] on a left-wing mission recognizes that the entire world, including perhaps Sadam, believed Iraq had WMD. But I think Bush also saw Iraq as an opportunity to engage the heart of the Middle East and radical Islam. Afghanistan alone would have been OK had it not been for its geography.
As long as the Mddle East is in the business of producing terrorists, we must be engaged... we must exert influence. Suing for peace before the enemy stops coming is a recipe for our demise.
We are at war. The terrorists know it. Most Republicans know it. If a Democrat was in the White House, I think Joe Smoe would know it.
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