The Logic Lifeline

A logical approach to sorting out world events. Where logic, opinion and speculation are combined to produce a reasoned, but entertaining reading experience. The unofficial hometown conservative blog of Woodridge, Il

Sunday, April 30, 2006

America the Unique

If you listen to the world media and US liberals you would come away thinking:

  • The United States is the only country in the world that aggressively looks out for its best interests
  • The United States is the only country that has an immigration policy
  • The United States is the only country where people are concerned about losing their job to illegal immigrants
  • The United States is the only country where politics are influenced by religion
  • The United States is the only country that pollutes the air and water
  • The United States is the only country that spies on other countries
  • The United States is the only country that represents a miltary threat to the rest of the world
  • The United States is the only country with a national debt
  • The United States is the only country where greed exists
I could go on, but you get the idea. The fact is that in each of these categories we can find several to all countries that are the same or worse than the US, yet these countries are never criticized by the world community. If all countries were held by the same standard, we would not be hearing the constant drumbeat of criticism of the US.


  • At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

  • At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're kidding, right? Most countries aren't worth criticizing--and the ones that are need to be for their abuses, including the US. No country pisses and moans like America about how misunderstood it is, how they have to fix it all and save the world. The only leadership the world hears from us anymore is that we can get easily annoyed and smash the hell out of everything. Having lived out of the country for over three years was a real eye opener, how well some places function with opportunity and freedom, especially Western Europe. We are fast tracking to being a dinosaur, trying to constantly recreate a WWII style revival that is now a pathetic mantra. And that's all you have? Liberals are the problem? Just remember to thank a progressive for the clean water coming out your tap and that the air you breathe isn't just a wealthier version of Shanghai's soup of an atmosphere. And don't forget that progressives lead the fight to keep out internet out of the grimy paws of government thugs with an alleged religious bent.


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