More proof of Hezbollah fighting from residential areas
Powerlineblog has linked to a video showing a Hezbollah fighter bringing rockets into a residential home. Then you see the rockets being fired at Israel from inside the house. The best part comes when the house is very accurately targeted by an Israeli bomb. We only hope Hezbollah did not drag any women and children into the building prior to firing.
Are you tired yet of being a dupe for terrorists?
Are you tired yet of being a dupe for terrorists?
At 10:52 AM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
This fresh off the AP:
Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Shiites chant "DEATH TO ISRAEL and AMERICA";_ylt=AmSzIqOk9DaTDhhabAYaQdlI2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--
Would this classify as some of that good news the MSM refuses to report out of Iraq?
Yes, this is truly MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!! or is this Bush's version of Democracy in action?
Also, is it Civil War yet or do we need Rumsfeld to relate to us the Dictionary version of Civil War to escape the label of what Iraq really is ie A FAILURE?
At 11:20 AM,
SkyePuppy said…
Joe, it's good to see you back again!
But, umm, what does Iraq have to do with Hezbollah hiding behind civilians in Lebanon?
At 12:14 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
SkyePuppy said...
Joe, it's good to see you back again!
But, umm, what does Iraq have to do with Hezbollah hiding behind civilians in Lebanon?
11:20 AM
Thanks Pal, I feel that you guys bring out the best in know me being a Great Uniter and all.
Anyway, it would appear that those that we went to Liberate hate us and have been radicalized not unlike what Israel is doing in Lebanon. that being destroying the ENTIRE country in order to save it from the Terrorists. Now we shall see, and you can qoute me on this, that where there was once democracy or a possiblity of it in Lebanon and Iraq you now will see radicalization and even more venom and hatred towards Israel and the USA. So for Bush and his NEO CON VISON: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
At 1:06 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Now we shall see, and you can qoute me on this, that where there was once democracy or a possiblity of it in Lebanon and Iraq you now will see radicalization and even more venom and hatred towards Israel and the USA.
Funny how you place what people think of us as a measure of success. As for the democracy in Lebanon, somehow you think being a democracy insulates them from the consequences of their choices and actions. You don't think the US as a democracy should be shielded from the consequences of their actions yet you want to extend that benefit to Lebanon??
Try to stay focused Joe. You are all over the map by reacting from your hatred of Bush and you don't think through whether you are being consistent or not.
At 1:18 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
Alright how is this:
I never voted for Bush or any members of the GOP so should I and the other half of this country be held accountable for his failed policies in the mideast??? There are many that feel that he is an INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST so does that mean that the other half of the U.S. that didn't vote for this clown or support his actions should pay the price and be held accountable by those that we alienate as a nation as the Jews are doing to the Lebanese as a whole for Hezbollah????
At 2:19 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
I never voted for Bush or any members of the GOP so should I and the other half of this country be held accountable for his failed policies in the mideast???...
Yep. That's the way it works. I didn't vote for Clinton either time, but when he bombed the aspirin factory and had the debacle in Somalia, etc., all of America was held accountable. It stinks, but there's not much you can do about it, short of finding another country you like better.
As an aside, what's with the "NEOCON" term you like to pepper your comments with? I've heard some people say that other people use the term as a code-word for "those Jews." But that doesn't seem to fit the context of how you use it.
I suppose I might qualify, since I'm new to con-dom (no, that doesn't sound right). I became a con later in life (that doesn't sound right either). How about, I started as a liberal out of high school, shifted into libertarianism during the late Reagan and Bush 41 years, and was a conservative by the time Clinton came on the scene. Does that make me a NEOCON? Please clarify. I want to know if I should take umbrage to your name-calling.
Now, to take out my sparring weapons...
At 3:20 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
As an aside, what's with the "NEOCON" term you like to pepper your comments with? I've heard some people say that other people use the term as a code-word for "those Jews." But that doesn't seem to fit the context of how you use it.
Does that make me a NEOCON? Please clarify. I want to know if I should take umbrage to your name-calling.
Great, does that also mean that I have no say over where my tax dollars go as in killing other people since Israel recieves the Lion Share of all our Aid and our First world weapons?? The same weapons that are being used to blow the civilian populous and the infrastrcture all to hell.
As far as NEo Con that would be the Idiots that came up with now proven failed doctrine of premptive strike ie Iraq and installing democracy in the Mid east ie Lebanon, Egypt etc...all failed. You on the hand would be a Neo Con is the truest sense. How do you feel about the other kind of Neo Con now that their key theories have been shown to be WRONG?
As far as the Jewish issue Wolfowitz (remember that jackass?? He bailed out and joined the world bank when Iraq started to go south,like another clown from a previous failed American adventure Ie Macnamara) and Perle...they sure weren't Irish boys?
Is that enough for ya? If so let the character assisination begin.
At 3:33 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
Great, does that also mean that I have no say over where my tax dollars go as in killing other people since Israel recieves the Lion Share of all our Aid and our First world weapons?? The same weapons that are being used to blow the civilian populous and the infrastrcture all to hell.
Oh, you have a say over all of it. It's called Election Day. You vote for the person to represent you, and you hope enough people vote for your guy. And if he loses, you put a bumper sticker on your car that says, "Don't blame me! I voted for the other guy."
That's about it. Welcome to America.
As for Lebanon, my my my, but you do like hyperbole! Israel is not blowing the civilian populace all to hell. They're only blowing up the ones Hezbollah is hiding behind.
Reporters in Lebanon have admitted that life is pretty normal in Central Beirut. It's Southern Beirut and Southern Lebanon that have had buildings destroyed. HOWEVER, there is NOT universal carnage and rubble even in those areas. The destruction has been targeted, and those buildings that Hezbollah has NOT hidden behind (that would be the Arab areas) are in fine shape. The rubble is primarily in the Christian areas, because Hezbollah enjoys having Israel solve one of their problems (infidels) for them.
Get your facts straight, Joe, and try to quit the hyperventilating.
At 4:16 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
As for Lebanon, my my my, but you do like hyperbole! Israel is not blowing the civilian populace all to hell. They're only blowing up the ones Hezbollah is hiding behind.
and you don't need to go to Fox news to verify.
Would that account also for Israel blowing up that UN post??? How about those bridges in the north?? Try getting your facts and info from someplace else other than Jewish owned media and right wing channels that cow tow to the Bush lie machine. Or are you just cherry picking the intel you want...kinda like Bush did for Iraq?
So here is more proof off the AP that the Bush Foreign Policy is a failure as the Taliban is revived:
Afghan violence worsens: car bomb kills 21;_ylt=AnznAiClVSUedKyXiV570qdI2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--
Stop being a right wing dupe and exercise some critical thinking...isn't that one of the reasons we went to Iraq to give that same right to the Iraqis...oh sorry that was last months exucse.
At 4:57 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
The bridges, highways, and airport runways were hit to prevent Hezbollah from resupplying their weapons.
The UN post was hit because Hezbollah was camped in/next to it. The UN was not the target. Hezbollah was the target.
I've told you already I don't get my news from Fox (Is Rupert Murdoch Jewish? I didn't know that). When I watch Brit Hume, they talk about stuff I already know. I get most of my news from WorldNetDaily, which is farther to the right than I am, and which is owned/run by a Lebanese Christian. So you can stop the Jew-dropping already.
You're the one who is cherry-picking, or drinking the anti-Bush media Kool-Aid: "Israel is bad! They hit the UN!!!" "Israel is bad! They blew up a bridge!!!" "Israel is bad! They blew up children in Qana!!!"
Did you even look at the videos of the UN ambulance helping Hezbollah terrorists? Did you see the multiple (obvoiusly staged) photos of the same Qana "rescuer" in and out of fatigues and helmet, carrying the same dead kid all over the place and posing with him for cameras over the course of hours? Did you see the photo of the UN and Hezbollah flags flying side by side at one of their posts? Did you even read the email that was sent by the Canadian UN guy who was later killed by the Israeli-targeted strike that hit the UN post? You know the one, the letter that said Hezbollah kept overrunning the UN folks and kept trying to make the UN a target? Did you even stop to think that maybe Hezbollah and not Israel is the bad guy here?
Did you really believe that war doesn't have to be hell, that it's possible to wage a war and leave all the innocents in pristine condition while killing only the actual enemy soldiers?
Joe, you're calling the wrong person a dupe.
At 5:46 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
SkyePuppy said...
The bridges, highways, and airport runways were hit to prevent Hezbollah from resupplying their weapons.
Great excuse as in the end it will be the people that will pay and cause the doubling of the Hezbollah ranks and spell the end of a Pro America/ Democracy.
The UN post was hit because Hezbollah was camped in/next to it. The UN was not the target. Hezbollah was the target.
Even after multiple warnings from the UN that it was there. Wasn't that the same thing they did the last time there was in Leb. Israel is getting as good at lame excuses as Bushco is at explaining away glaring Failures and Lies.
I get most of my news from WorldNetDaily, which is farther to the right than I am, and which is owned/run by a Lebanese Christian. So you can stop the Jew-dropping already.
No problem, I would suggest that you read a few Pat Buchanan articles on that site as he has Israel's number.
They blew up children in Qana!!!"
So did Manachem Begin before Israel was founded and Ariel Sharon did the same thing in the last war with Leb. So one man's freedom fighter is another mans all depends on who is writing the history or reporting the news...right?
Did you really believe that war doesn't have to be hell, that it's possible to wage a war and leave all the innocents in pristine condition while killing only the actual enemy soldiers?
No, I know how bad war can be as coming from a military family with those that served in combat...unlike any of the Neo Cons..or Bush or Cheney. Only here in the U.S. where you don't get the full story does the Public think that one side is ALWaYS right and all those dead get back up and walk again...and that the Iraq war was REALLY about Saddam and Iraqi's getting Freedom.
At 6:05 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
...coming from a military family with those that served in combat
So did your most-beloved Bush. His dad served in combat.
Only here in the U.S. where you don't get the full story does the Public think that one side is ALWaYS right and all those dead get back up and walk again...and that the Iraq war was REALLY about Saddam and Iraqi's getting Freedom.
We have a better chance of getting the full story, now that we have access to international news and other outlets via the internet.
Please tell me who believes the dead will get up and walk again this side of heaven. You're better than to make a stupid argument like that.
If you really believe we went to Iraq for cheap oil, then of course you believe Bush botched it badly. Personally, I believe we went there because of Saddam. He was a sponsor of terror and he was developing WMDs (or he thought he was, or we thought he was) and he had a track record that showed he was willing to use them.
If you like Pat Buchanan, then you're probably a libertarian. I gave that up a long time ago.
At 6:06 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
You are doing an excellent job. While I like Joe, I realize he is not going to be swayed by your or my effective arguments.
Somebody here is a Kool-Aid drinking dupe. I don't believe it is you or me. While you or I would not hesitate to criticize a Bush blunder. Both of us have been critical of Bush at times on our blogs especially when it comes to spending and illegal immigration.
Joe on the other hand will NEVER go off message and agenda to say Bush did something right (I can imagine a laundry list of everything he thinks Bush did to destroy the country as an answer to that). The fact is that Bush has done a lot right.
As for being a dupe, there is no way anybody can view the material I and others have posted on the manipulating antics of Hezbollah and Hamas (and Al Queada in Iraq) and not realize that they are playing the world for suckers. There is no way unless one has a big jug of Kool-aid next to them while they type. Some people would rather be a dupe of the terrorists than see the truth.
At 7:38 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
You guys have totally missed the piont!!! That being that I have no problem with Israel defending themselves from These Towelhead dirtbags, but is it necessary to destroy the whole country??? All this will do is give Hezbollah and any other Islamic wacko group more recruits and swell their ranks just as Bush did with invading Iraq.
So in the end the instead of wiping out the Hornets nest all they have done is spread and multiplied the threat.
Look at it this way if I'm a regular non political guy and someone comes into my country destroys it and my house cause they don't like the guy that lives next door you can sure as hell bet that I WILL PICK UP ARMS AGAINST them....wouldn't you?
I will give Bush credit where it is due...I gave him the benfit of the doubt after 911 and all he did was use it to silence all criticism, start a BS war that is now a civil war, spend the country in the ground, and let the Corporations run it into the ground. So at this point I see nothing to praise him for as he has for the most part Squandered any and all oppurtunities to make the country and the world a better place. So if I'm drinking the Kool Aid the numbers of Americans joining me is growing.
CHEERS and BOTTOMs UP!!!! Here's to November coming faster!
At 11:41 PM,
LA Sunset said…
//...but is it necessary to destroy the whole country??? //
If it comes down to Israel's destruction versus their survival, the answer's YES.
Israel cannot afford to wait for Hezbollah to come into Israel and then go into defensive mode. To them, the best defense is a great offense. That's Military Science 101. For crying out loud, Joe, that's war. You go to war to WIN, not to lose, and you do not fight to achieve a tie/draw.
At 7:55 AM,
Merete said…
I agree with Joe here, there is something completely wrong when a country start bombing their neighbour countries back to the stone age as punishment for a few kidnapped soldiers.
What about Israel bombing the only power station in Gaza?! What the hell did they do that for?
The Zionist War Mongers claims they did it "to stop them from smuggling out the kidnapped soldiers"
What kind of collective punishment is that, and how on earth does that make any sense, that is the light is on in Gaza, Hezbollah would easily move the kidnapped soldiers around, but since they bombed it and Gaza now lays in the dark, the soldiers for some strange reason would be "safe" and not smuggled out? If I wanted to smuggle out somebody, you know what? I'd do it in the dark! I wouldn't need any fucking light to do so.
Please somebody explain the logic in that since you understand the way these mass murders are thinking?
I wonder why you Neo cons here have so much love for Israel. All of you are old enough to remember USS Liberty? What are your thoughts about that slaughter of your own people? Maybe you think it was also justified?
Israel and USA is leading the whole world into Armageddon and you guys are still supporting them! Unbelievable...
At 10:27 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Merete what astounds me is that I have heard zero criticism from you about Hezbollah and Hamas and their killing of civilians.
As for the lights, when you have night vision technology lack of lights are no problem. I would guess that taking out lights would discourage people from gathering in the streets when they are trying to strike the enemy. Of course when the enemy camps right next to residences like cowards, what can you do. Of course you have no criticism for that for some reason.
It is strange thinking that claims Israel, the US and Bush can do no right; while Hezbollah, Hamas and the radicals in Iraq can do no wrong.
At 11:45 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
As for the USS Liberty, that was almost 40 years ago. It does appear that either Israel thought it was another ship or had some reason for targeting it that never reached the public. The Lyndon Johnson administration was did not pursue retribution for some reason. Did he know something that prevented this? Was there an under the table deal to handle it privately? I don't know, but I do not think that 40 years later it is as relevant as Hezbollah firing thousands of indiscriminate rockets into civilian populations and firing at Israel while next to civilians (cowards).
Merete, you lose so much credibility when you have nothing bad to say about Hezbollah or Hamas.
At 4:23 PM,
Merete said…
I have very little or no love for the Zionist evil war mongers, you know that. I do not think that Hezbollah or Hamaz is any worse than the Israeli or American government. For real.
You make Hezbollah sound like nothing but a terrorist organisation, while in my eyes they are a legitimate resistance movement.
Hezbollah is responsible for numerous economic and infrastructure development projects in Lebanon. They operates at least 4 hospitals, 12 clinics, 12 schools, and 2 agricultural centres that provide farmers with technical assistance and training. It also has an environmental department and an extensive social assistance programme. Medical care provided through Hezbollah is also less expensive than in most of the country's private hospitals and free for Hezbollah members worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
The majority of the people living in the Middle East support them. And I do share their view that Israel is an illegal usurper entity, which is based on falsehood, massacres, and illusions. However that being said, I do condemn all the killing of civilians and wish they didn't have to resort to these methods of warfare.
But on the other hand, everybody is screaming that they are hiding among civilians, you actually find that so strange? Where else are they supposed to be then? Having camps in the desert so they can be an easy target for the Israelis that wants to slaughter them all? Of course they wont bend over that easily. There are highly intelligent people who has been fucked over by Israel for too long. And who say they are terrorists?
The United States, Canada and Israel consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization, claiming that the organization initiates attacks against civilians and ideologically supports such attacks by other similar organizations.
The United Kingdom, Australia and the Netherlands officially list only the External Security Organization of Hezbollah (ESO) as a proscribed organisation.
Like I said before, one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. And let's face it, if it wasn't for Israels ruling the Middle East like the slave drivers did before, Hezbollah would never have been founded. If Israel was a good neighbour there would be no resistance, no terrorists and no war.
At 4:49 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
Like I said before, one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. And let's face it, if it wasn't for Israels ruling the Middle East like the slave drivers did before, Hezbollah would never have been founded. If Israel was a good neighbour there would be no resistance, no terrorists and no war.
4:23 PM
Good point! I think that it is long overdue to call these clowns on their crimes and not back down when the inevitable label of ANTI-SEMITE/NAZI is slapped on anyone that refuses to cowtow to them and lick their boots like most in the American political establishment.
I think a lot of Americans have had it with these self absorbed clowns who feel that it is only fair to perpetrate any and all crimes they want on others in the Middle East just because they feel that the world "OWES" them due to the atrocities commited against them and their people in WW2 and injustices across the expanse of history. Yeah, like no other peoples have been SH** upon in history??? I for one have had it with them using my tax dollars to oppress the indigenous people of Israel and surrounding areas.
I gotta say that I actually broke down and watched FOX NEWS...yes, that Fox NEws and they actually gave equal time to people in Gaza and Leb. who wondered why they ie Israel felt the need to destroy their countries and punish the innocent for the Evil acts of a few.
Israel is finding that Hez. is a lot tougher than they thought. Also, in the end they will fail at taking out Hez. and Hamas as their actions and atrocities against the innocents of these conflicts will only serve to swell their ranks.
So I say to all those that wonder why the hell the mid east and Iraq is in the state it is in now all you need do is look into that Bible that the GOP bangs incessantly and read the qoute " YOU SHALL REAP WHAT YE HAS SOWN"!
At 5:23 PM,
LA Sunset said…
//..if it wasn't for Israels ruling the Middle East like the slave drivers did before, Hezbollah would never have been founded. If Israel was a good neighbour there would be no resistance, no terrorists and no war.//
That's a load of crap, if I ever heard one. There is not one ounce of validity to this statement, whatsoever.
The best kind of neighbor is the one that just wants to be left alone, free to live their own life without interference from others. Israel would love nothing more than to just live in peace, and would be content to live within the present borders. But their Arab neighbors have never considered allowing that to happen.
Where did you go to school? Michael Moore U.? Michael Moore High?
How can you intelligently explain this statement? Have you ever been to the Middle East? Have you ever read a book on the Middle East?
Come on Joe, explain this further. Just how does Israel RULE the Middle East? What satellite countries do they have in their empire? What alliances do they have, other than the U.S.?
We are waiting Joe. Enlighten us with your sage wisdom and extensive knowledge.
At 6:18 PM,
Merete said…
//..if it wasn't for Israels ruling the Middle East like the slave drivers did before, Hezbollah would never have been founded. If Israel was a good neighbour there would be no resistance, no terrorists and no war.//
Hezbollah was formed to combat the Israeli occupation following the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and opposes a Zionist agenda, also initially aiming to transform Lebanon into an Islamic republic. It was officially founded on the 16th of February, 1985.
Now you do the math, Mr. Sunset who is so clever, you probably attended Harvard or Yale since you try to laugh at Joe's education here and portraying him as a Michael Moore high school student. Grow up, stop this childish behaviour. This is a discussion, not shit throwing but I can only assume that you are a big fan of Karl Rove.
But back to the real matters, why do you think Hezbollah was founded and why do you think they could recruit so many thousands of members and have the major support of the people living in the Middle East then? Why?
Oh, and here is a nice link for you to enlighten your tunnel vision with some knowledge about the region:
At 6:47 PM,
LA Sunset said…
//But back to the real matters, why do you think Hezbollah was founded and why do you think they could recruit so many thousands of members and have the major support of the people living in the Middle East then? Why?//
Question: Why do you think that Israel was even there in Lebanon to begin with? Answer: Because the PLO was lobbing rockets at populated cities in northern Israel.
Sound familiar? You bet it does.
Please spare me the lecture, young lady. You too should read more, because if you think this all started with the invasion of 1982, then you have much more to learn before you can discuss this rationally.
Hezbollah was founded by Iran for the purpose of destroying Israel. They just used the occupation as an excuse.
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
A little injection of common sense is in order here. How do you tell the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? I'm tired of the two being equated. Let's have a history lesson. When the American colonies wanted to throw off the tyranny they were experiencing under British rule, did they kidnap, torture, behead, or otherwise mutilate innocent civilians who were loyal to the crown? No. They organized militia and met the enemy on the battlefield (in uniform). Anyone who uses that assanine phrase about one man's terrorist and another man's freedom fighter has no clue about the ethics of warfare. Yes, Joe and Merete and others, there is such a thing as ethics when it comes to waging war. Some wage war ethically and some do not. It takes someone who is not blinded by hatred of a particular person or group to distinguish the difference.
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
This site has become (nearly)daily reading for me becuase it is so very entertaining.
I can't imagine where else one can find such divergent opinions (and "feelings") all produced by some kind of kool aid. It amuses me to see such intelligence and idiocy in the same discussion. The best part is that the idiocy is projected as intelligence and reasoning.
Hey, keep it up!!!!!
At 10:27 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Merete said:
I have very little or no love for the Zionist evil war mongers, you know that. I do not think that Hezbollah or Hamaz is any worse than the Israeli or American government. For real.
Interesting how you phrased that. I am well aware you do not think H&H are worse than Israel and the US. You have anger at Israel and the US vs. all the good things you say about H&H having never said a disparaging word against either. You never have any harsh criticism of H&H, yet you do have harsh criticism of Israel and the US.
Hezbollah is responsible for numerous economic and infrastructure development projects in Lebanon. They operates at least 4 hospitals, 12 clinics, 12 schools, and 2 agricultural centres that provide farmers with technical assistance and training. It also has an environmental department and an extensive social assistance programme. Medical care provided through Hezbollah is also less expensive than in most of the country's private hospitals and free for Hezbollah members worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
Are you actually reading what you are writing? Is this all it takes to get you to overlook their atrocities? Bribing you and the people with good things? The Mafia in the US (and I am sure other places) do the same thing in their neighborhoods, does that justify or excuse their criminal activity? And they are not even at terrorist level. When they kill somebody they usually know who it is and it is targeted.
While you are praising Hezbollah with that scrawny list, you surely are not ignorant of all the good that has been and continues to be done around the world by the US government and US private citizens. If the H&H murders and thugs get a pass for the good they do, why are you not praising the US to the hilt?
You are so inconsistent.
However that being said, I do condemn all the killing of civilians and wish they didn't have to resort to these methods of warfare.
What a wishy-washy condemnation. They don't have to resort to these methods of warfare. If they feel they need to resort to any warfare, then have them put on some uniforms, organize and declare war on Israel. Meet them on the battlefield and have it out.
But on the other hand, everybody is screaming that they are hiding among civilians, you actually find that so strange? Where else are they supposed to be then?
Then do either a partial or full evacuation of the civilians. Put civilians on one side of the town and fight from the other. I simply cannot believe how your hatred of Israel and the US blinds you to reality. Have you ever asked yourself if the things you believe just might not be true? I am not sure where you picked up this nonsense. At a University? If so, they are really messing with your head.
I continuously evaluate my positions and research all of the points given to me to counter what I believe.
Merete, the bottom line is that you condemn Israel and the US because you claim they do things that Hezbollah and Hamas do beyond dispute. Yet you are willing to excuse them, but yet yield no point in favor of Israel and the US.
At 2:02 AM,
Unknown said…
Oh that we had stuck to this...
It is our true policy to steer clear of entangling alliances with any portion of the foreign world.
George Washington
My easy way out - 'cause I agree with Hammer that this is entertaining but silly. I don't care too much about Israel or Lebanon or Palestine unless one of them threatens us. Israel is NOT U.S. territory. Don't equate the two just because Israel is a "bastion of democracy" in the middle east and we've always been their buddy. Let them blow each other up, we'll still be ordering takeout from the steakhouse and watching football this fall.
At 5:35 AM,
Merete said…
Of course I love the USA! Why else do you think I am so concerned about her? Because I care. If I didn't care and wouldn't give a shit I'd probably rather spend my days like Mark here does, ordering take outs and watching football, just do something light headed. Many, many of my forefathers immigrated to the US, so I have a whole bunch of relatives there, spread all over the country + in Canada. The USA has done so many good things for the world, too many to mention here. But when the country starts acting like the Nazis did I get more than concerned.
Have you ever asked yourself if the things you believe just might not be true? I am not sure where you picked up this nonsense. At a University? If so, they are really messing with your head.
You think I picked up my opinion at a University? No man, it's years since I was there. I am a news junkie so I get most of my information online through various news channels (left and right), Israeli, American, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, British, Palestinian, Iranian and Lebanese sites and blogs mostly. I am not only reading Al Jazeerah if you thought so. My dad is a neo con just like you and most of your readers here. I once used to think like that too I have to admit, but I was very young and I didn't know much of what was really going on in the world. I started to change my view to the left as I moved to the capital and after that to another country. Now I feel very comfortable where I stand politically and I believe this is the truth as I see it. But enough about me.
The total destruction of Lebanon by Israel and the US Pentagon does not make any sense! Why bomb roads, bridges, ports, fuel depots in Sunni and Christian areas that have nothing to do with Shiite Hezbullah in the deep south? And, why was Hezbullah's rocket capability so crucial that it provoked Israel to this orgy of destruction? Most of the rockets were small Katyushas with limited range and they were highly inaccurate. Although Hezbullah is said to have fired 3000 rockets at Israel since the war began, very few of them (5 percent?) have hit anything of importance. They have however killed over 30 civilians and wounded dozens more, and damaged some buildings. So for this you would destroy a whole country?! It just shows us that the one who really had practical plans to wipe a country off the map was not Ahmadinejad but Olmert.
Israel is just going into the same quagmire as the US did when entering Iraq and Afghanistan. This war is only killing civilians on both sides and it's probably gonna drag out way too long.
It just doesn't make any sense. So if I am ignorant, stupid, entertaining and young in believing that so be it.
At 7:39 AM,
LA Sunset said…
//But when the country starts acting like the Nazis did I get more than concerned.//
How about when the Iranians, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other Islamofascists act like Nazis? You seem to conveniently forget these groups in your anti-violence diatribes. You act as if the U.S. and Israel are the only ones that are waging war here.
Honestly, I could understand your outrage much more easily, if you condemned their violent acts with the same fervor. But to only hold the U.S. and Israel to such high standards, is indicative of a certain hypocrisy than cannot be justified.
At 3:45 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
Where did you go to school? Michael Moore U.? Michael Moore High?
No jackass where did you go to school and get your PHD in Moron Studies and GOP Boot licking from GW BUSH Draft Dodger U? If you looked at that again and used your keen skills of observation you would realize that I DID NOT WRITE THAT. I merely said good piont.What keen skills..did you work for the CIA at one time?
How can you intelligently explain this statement? Have you ever been to the Middle East? Have you ever read a book on the Middle East?
Come on Joe, explain this further. Just how does Israel RULE the Middle East? What satellite countries do they have in their empire? What alliances do they have, other than the U.S.?
We are waiting Joe. Enlighten us with your sage wisdom and extensive knowledge.
No I have not been there and in fact it is one of the last places I want to go with all those loving people and all, but I haven't been to Iraq either,but I sure as hell know that it IS A FAILURE and is in Civil War. Once again I invite all you neo con Bush A$$ kissers to do what your fearless leader and Cheney couldn't find the balls to do ie SERVE and find out first hand..otherwise following your pompous Bill O'rielly reasoning your a KNOW NOTHING GOP P***Y and as your pal Bil would say "SHUT UP!!! Got it tough guy?
Also, Israel does for the most part call the shots in the Middle East as they have "ALL" our FIRST WORLD weapons and use them to oppress the indigenous people of the area from whom they stole their land or just plain disagree with. Can it only be a short amount of time before the U.S. satellite in the Mid East ie Israel goes in and takes out the Iranian nuke facilities the way they did to Iraq in the early 80's??? Hey, like I said with these guys ie Israel they feel that no matter what they do they can justify it by just mentioning WW2 and the Holocaust. They say two wrongs don't make a right, but with this logic the MEANS and THE ENDS are ALL justified.
At 7:47 AM,
LA Sunset said…
//No jackass where did you go to school and get your PHD in Moron Studies and GOP Boot licking from GW BUSH Draft Dodger U? If you looked at that again and used your keen skills of observation you would realize that I DID NOT WRITE THAT.//
Then, learn how to indicate which part of your comment is a quote and which is yours. Try italicizing the quote. If that is too hard for you, then put some quotation marks around it.
There are two things I would derive from the way you conduct yourself and resort to the nasty name-calling, like you have just done:
1. You are losing the argument.
2. You feel like a bigger man from behind your keyboard.
Back to the meat of the argument. Maybe you didn't say it, but you did say it was a good point. In my book, that puts you in the same category as the person who said it.
Go educate yourself a little, before you get on a high horse and think you know something, you clearly do not.
At 3:51 PM,
Merete said…
Sunsett, you sound like nothing but a whiner. Just admit it, it's you who should read the posts properly before attacking others on their quoting.
And how come people with a different opinion than yours are uneducated and don't know what they are talking about? I wonder! Maybe it's my English that's not as good as your native tongue, but I speak 4 other languages and I would love to discuss further with you in my own native language! You who are clearly so much above the rest of us here must be a racer in everything incl. languages? I bet you even speak Arabic since you know everything about the situation down there!
I agree with Right Wing Agenda, maybe we should say thaaaaaaanks to Bush instead of bashing him down? Yeah! I mean THANKS a lot for all the noble things you have done for mankind. We surely will portray you as a saint like Mother Theresa and other 100% pure good people. And thanks for making the world so much safer! For turning the other cheek, for being such a BIG hearted man, for doing all the research you do before taking action, for really understanding what the rest of the world needs and wants! THANKS!!
At 4:33 PM,
LA Sunset said…
//Joe may not know much, but he knows reading comprehension and the ability to discern his from anothers comments.//
Give me a break. If Joe, Merete, or you would have something of substance to discuss intelligently, you would not have to resort to name calling and bashing. Nor, would you feel the need to criticize an honest mistake made, because he didn't set the comment he was commenting on, apart from his own.
The comments that you guys have, always seem to come back to Bush and how everything is HIS fault.
The world was a mess before Bush, it will be a mess after Bush. It doesn't matter who leads what country, as long as there are people bent on the destruction of free people everywhere, it will be so.
I mean come on now, it's okay to criticize Bush, but do it as it relates to specific issues, not a blanket statement that states nothing more than Bush is Satan and everything is his fault. Try getting out from behind the liberal organizations' talking points and express soemthing in your own words. make a claim and prove it. Don't just parrot what the Michael Moores of the world say.
Then if at the end of all that you still think Bush is bad, then I can have some respect for your opinion.
At 4:35 PM,
LA Sunset said…
//you sound like nothing but a whiner. Just admit it, it's you who should read the posts properly before attacking others on their quoting.//
See the above statement to RWA, as it is applicable to your silly comment, as well.
At 8:05 PM,
LA Sunset said…
//To put it plainly..."YOUR FULLA S***!!! Brainwashed jackbooted GOP thugs such as yourself have no time for opposing view points or beliefs.//
There, do you feel better now? Get everything off of your chest? Wasn't that an intelligent thing to say?
BTW, I am not a Republican. But you wouldn't know that because you haven't taken the time to know just who you are talking to. You just assume that because I do not buy what you are selling, I must be.
How sad for you.
At 9:59 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
I rarely respond to you because there simply is not any rational thing you write. I have my suspicions that you are either Joe writing under another name, or are a personal friend of Joe. In either case when Joe writes he is usually sane. Angry and spunky, but sane. I can't quite seem to envision the same in you.
Like I always say, all are welcome to write here. I prefer rational and reasoned discussion but I don't censor anybody. Name call away. Just remember that name calling is usually only resorted to when people don't have much else to say.
At 7:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
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