State of the Election - August 23, 2008
Since I have written nothing since before the primaries ended, I will back up a bit. I was happy to see Barack Obama win over Hillary Clinton. I think she had more of a chance at winning than Obama. I also am very tired of the Clintons and the Bushes. Only by a remote chance would Edwards have won. Even before his affair came to light, he would have been the easiest to beat. Oh well.
When Obama clinched the nomination, I knew that the more he became known, the less he would be liked. I thought the Media would do a better job at keeping him less known than they have, but their typical over-reactions to conservatives have coaxed them into keeping stories in the public eye long enough for people to get closer glimpses and they have not been pretty. I knew that Obama was phenomenally arrogant, a dyed in the wool socialist and had quite a number of bad associations. However, even I was surprised at how much of an empty suit he is. He is very shallow, cannot think on his feet and seems to have no core beliefs that he is willing to share with us. With this long election cycle it is amazing how long Obama has been in the Feasibility Stage of his campaign where we know very little about any details beyond "hope" and "change". When a detail does come out it never makes him look good ranging from laughable to downright scary:
- Energy plan = tire inflation + tune-ups + tapping oil reserve + taxing the heck out of Big Oil
- Tax plan = class warfare by soaking the rich + raising the Capital Gains tax even though he admits it will result in less revenue but will simply be fair
- Wants to move translators from Iraq to Afghanistan even though they don't speak the same language
- Foreign Policy plan = have talks with all despots in the world without preconditions
- Position on Russian aggression = Moral equivalence between Saddam's Iraq and Georgia + blame the victim (Georgia must have done something to provoke Russia)
Of course most of the details of his plans are given in some sort of code - "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh..." Has anybody tried to convert his long uuuhs and short uhs into Morse Code to see what he is really saying?
Now Obama has finally picked a running mate - Joe Biden. It is funny that I wrote on LA Sunsett's blog something that a day later Rush Limbaugh said - "Please let it be Biden". I took a look at a variety of blogs to take a pulse on the reaction to his pick and the verdict is that a lot of people are extremely excited about Obama picking Biden. Problem is that they are all conservatives. Even the comments on the liberal blogs about the pick seem only to be obligatory. Somehow they think that Biden's foreign policy experience is going to help Obama. What is he going to do - defer every foreign policy question to Biden? "Uh, uh, uh, I think I'll let Joe answer that one". As a final note on Biden: so far the marketing undertone has been comparing a young, vibrant, good-looking black man that can give good speeches to a tired looking white-haired white guy that can't give speeches as well. So what does Obama do? He picks a tired looking white-haired white guy that can't give speeches as well for his running mate. You can't make this stuff up.
I would be lying if I said I was thrilled that McCain was the nominee. He is barely GOP, and nowhere near a conservative. When he clinched the nomination, I could only shake my head and silently curse Huckabee and his brain dead following. I went for the first month wondering if I could even pull the lever for him. Since I am a conservative more than a Republican, I wished we had a viable conservative alternative. However, even if I wanted to throw away my vote I certainly have no desire to give it to Ron Paul or Bob Barr. So I basically said silently to McCain, "Convince me". I have to admit he has made progress in that area.
First, McCain has always been the only National Security candidate (notice I say only - not stronger. Obama is totally absent on National Security, not just weak). Second, McCain will at least nominate a Sandra Day O'Conner instead of a Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Both his Presidency and his Supreme Court appointments will only disappoint and anger me some of the time instead of all of the time like Obama's. With the balance of the Court as it is, if Obama is elected you can expect at least 2 liberal justices to retire soon after. We run the risk of several deaths as most are now quite old. A single loss of one of the four conservatives being replaced by Obama will be unrecoverable in the next decade. With the tendency of Leftist justices to make up law out of whole cloth the deck will be stacked in favor of the Left for the next 25 years.
Still, I wanted McCain to convince me about McCain. I have been pleasantly surprised by a few things:
- I truly thought McCain was going to roll over and be a nice guy during the campaign while Obama and his media surrogates beat McCain to a pulp. McCain has a spine on the campaign trail and is willing hit back and hard. Good for him.
- His tax policy does not leave me grabbing protectively for my wallet like Obama's
- While some call it a flip-flop, McCain sees that with gas over $4 per gallon we have to take necessary steps boost supply. Hey, if I refuse to buy a plasma screen TV, but change my mind if the cost is cut in half - am I a flip-flopper? No, you can only be a flip-flopper if the conditions remain the same except for populist belief. The high gas prices are hurting the big and little guy alike.
- McCain has been very strong in his words against Russia. His foreign policy has strength and clarity.
I have issues with McCain, but for the most part the issues that affect me directly I think he is ok. I wish he would change positions on illegal immigration, but he is the status quo. I will never be a cheerleader for McCain, but I believe he has taken some steps to convince me to vote for him instead of merely voting against Obama.
I have no predictions at this time. The election can go either way at this point. McCain has shrewdly announced that Obama will get a 15 point bump in the polls from the Democrat Convention. If Obama comes near that, McCain can downplay it as to be expected. If, however, Obama fails to get such a significant bump McCain can paint the convention as falling short of expectations. I doubt Obama will obtain a double digit bump.
The question about the Democrat Convention is whether or not any Obama policy details will materialize or will he continue to attempt to skate on the "hope" and "change" mantras? We have seen that details are poison to Obama, but the lack of them furthers the portrait of arrogance and emptiness.
One thing that will not change much between now and November is the excitement factor. Most of Obama's fanatics will continue to be excited about him regardless of what they do or don't know about him. Excitement for McCain, though, will never materialize. So motivation to get conservatives to the voting booth is going to be an uphill battle no matter what happens between now and then. We can only hope that enough of those planning to vote for Obama that are outside of the screaming rock star fan club will lose trust, faith and support for him and stay home to balance the lack of motivation on the McCain side.
One final thought that may suspiciously sound like a prediction even though I said I wasn't making any. I think that since the strongest support of Obama will come from the metropolitan areas and the true blue states, there is a strong possibility that Obama will obtain the popular vote and lose electorally. If that happens, prepare for the storm.
When Obama clinched the nomination, I knew that the more he became known, the less he would be liked. I thought the Media would do a better job at keeping him less known than they have, but their typical over-reactions to conservatives have coaxed them into keeping stories in the public eye long enough for people to get closer glimpses and they have not been pretty. I knew that Obama was phenomenally arrogant, a dyed in the wool socialist and had quite a number of bad associations. However, even I was surprised at how much of an empty suit he is. He is very shallow, cannot think on his feet and seems to have no core beliefs that he is willing to share with us. With this long election cycle it is amazing how long Obama has been in the Feasibility Stage of his campaign where we know very little about any details beyond "hope" and "change". When a detail does come out it never makes him look good ranging from laughable to downright scary:
- Energy plan = tire inflation + tune-ups + tapping oil reserve + taxing the heck out of Big Oil
- Tax plan = class warfare by soaking the rich + raising the Capital Gains tax even though he admits it will result in less revenue but will simply be fair
- Wants to move translators from Iraq to Afghanistan even though they don't speak the same language
- Foreign Policy plan = have talks with all despots in the world without preconditions
- Position on Russian aggression = Moral equivalence between Saddam's Iraq and Georgia + blame the victim (Georgia must have done something to provoke Russia)
Of course most of the details of his plans are given in some sort of code - "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh..." Has anybody tried to convert his long uuuhs and short uhs into Morse Code to see what he is really saying?
Now Obama has finally picked a running mate - Joe Biden. It is funny that I wrote on LA Sunsett's blog something that a day later Rush Limbaugh said - "Please let it be Biden". I took a look at a variety of blogs to take a pulse on the reaction to his pick and the verdict is that a lot of people are extremely excited about Obama picking Biden. Problem is that they are all conservatives. Even the comments on the liberal blogs about the pick seem only to be obligatory. Somehow they think that Biden's foreign policy experience is going to help Obama. What is he going to do - defer every foreign policy question to Biden? "Uh, uh, uh, I think I'll let Joe answer that one". As a final note on Biden: so far the marketing undertone has been comparing a young, vibrant, good-looking black man that can give good speeches to a tired looking white-haired white guy that can't give speeches as well. So what does Obama do? He picks a tired looking white-haired white guy that can't give speeches as well for his running mate. You can't make this stuff up.
I would be lying if I said I was thrilled that McCain was the nominee. He is barely GOP, and nowhere near a conservative. When he clinched the nomination, I could only shake my head and silently curse Huckabee and his brain dead following. I went for the first month wondering if I could even pull the lever for him. Since I am a conservative more than a Republican, I wished we had a viable conservative alternative. However, even if I wanted to throw away my vote I certainly have no desire to give it to Ron Paul or Bob Barr. So I basically said silently to McCain, "Convince me". I have to admit he has made progress in that area.
First, McCain has always been the only National Security candidate (notice I say only - not stronger. Obama is totally absent on National Security, not just weak). Second, McCain will at least nominate a Sandra Day O'Conner instead of a Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Both his Presidency and his Supreme Court appointments will only disappoint and anger me some of the time instead of all of the time like Obama's. With the balance of the Court as it is, if Obama is elected you can expect at least 2 liberal justices to retire soon after. We run the risk of several deaths as most are now quite old. A single loss of one of the four conservatives being replaced by Obama will be unrecoverable in the next decade. With the tendency of Leftist justices to make up law out of whole cloth the deck will be stacked in favor of the Left for the next 25 years.
Still, I wanted McCain to convince me about McCain. I have been pleasantly surprised by a few things:
- I truly thought McCain was going to roll over and be a nice guy during the campaign while Obama and his media surrogates beat McCain to a pulp. McCain has a spine on the campaign trail and is willing hit back and hard. Good for him.
- His tax policy does not leave me grabbing protectively for my wallet like Obama's
- While some call it a flip-flop, McCain sees that with gas over $4 per gallon we have to take necessary steps boost supply. Hey, if I refuse to buy a plasma screen TV, but change my mind if the cost is cut in half - am I a flip-flopper? No, you can only be a flip-flopper if the conditions remain the same except for populist belief. The high gas prices are hurting the big and little guy alike.
- McCain has been very strong in his words against Russia. His foreign policy has strength and clarity.
I have issues with McCain, but for the most part the issues that affect me directly I think he is ok. I wish he would change positions on illegal immigration, but he is the status quo. I will never be a cheerleader for McCain, but I believe he has taken some steps to convince me to vote for him instead of merely voting against Obama.
I have no predictions at this time. The election can go either way at this point. McCain has shrewdly announced that Obama will get a 15 point bump in the polls from the Democrat Convention. If Obama comes near that, McCain can downplay it as to be expected. If, however, Obama fails to get such a significant bump McCain can paint the convention as falling short of expectations. I doubt Obama will obtain a double digit bump.
The question about the Democrat Convention is whether or not any Obama policy details will materialize or will he continue to attempt to skate on the "hope" and "change" mantras? We have seen that details are poison to Obama, but the lack of them furthers the portrait of arrogance and emptiness.
One thing that will not change much between now and November is the excitement factor. Most of Obama's fanatics will continue to be excited about him regardless of what they do or don't know about him. Excitement for McCain, though, will never materialize. So motivation to get conservatives to the voting booth is going to be an uphill battle no matter what happens between now and then. We can only hope that enough of those planning to vote for Obama that are outside of the screaming rock star fan club will lose trust, faith and support for him and stay home to balance the lack of motivation on the McCain side.
One final thought that may suspiciously sound like a prediction even though I said I wasn't making any. I think that since the strongest support of Obama will come from the metropolitan areas and the true blue states, there is a strong possibility that Obama will obtain the popular vote and lose electorally. If that happens, prepare for the storm.
Labels: Barack Obama, John McCain, State of the Election
At 12:32 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
Great to have you back in the fray!
I had forgotten that you're an Illinois guy, so you're probably more familiar with the emptiness of Obama's suits than the rest of us are.
As a final note on Biden: so far the marketing undertone has been comparing a young, vibrant, good-looking black man that can give good speeches to a tired looking white-haired white guy that can't give speeches as well. So what does Obama do? He picks a tired looking white-haired white guy that can't give speeches as well for his running mate. You can't make this stuff up.
At 1:12 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Thanks SkyePuppy.
Yes, being from Illinois and one who keeps my ear to the ground politically, it is amazing how little I know about Obama. I will say that I thought he did pretty well in the debates with Alan Keyes. Keyes has become somewhat of a fringe kook so maybe it was simply that Keyes was so bad during the debates instead of Obama being good.
I like the white-haired line, too but my favorite is the Morse Code uhs. Sorry, I tactlessly laugh at my own jokes sometimes.
At 4:24 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
The morse code reminds me of my dad, who was a radioman in the Navy. He taught us "dih-dih-dit, dah... dah... dah, dih-dih-dit," or "S-O-S." That's the official Navy pronunciation of the dots and dashes.
I never knew Obama was so clever to work morse code into his speeches. Too bad my dad isn't around to translate for me...
At 10:24 PM,
LA Sunset said…
Good to see you back where you are missed.
Actually, I have to admit that McCain was my first choice in 2000. I don't like all of his stances, most prominently his position on the immigration issue. But per our system, he is the only logical choice at this stage of the game.
In the long term, I don't think he will do anywhere near as much damage to the country, as Obama will if he is elected. If for no other reason, we cannot have both the legislative and executive branches controlled by this current bunch of hateful, nasty, and bitter power-hungry leftists (who wish to use government to punish, rather than encourage and reward those that make this economy successful).
Picking Biden shows that Obama is not ready to lead. And it could definitely be a sign that there is some worry and desperation in the camp, knowing that Obama is missing in action on the national security issue.
At 11:07 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Thanks LA. Desperation is the only driving force I can think of that would generate picking Biden. How Biden alleviates the panick is beyond me.
At any rate, for entertainment purposes, Biden is a fantasy come true.
At 5:29 AM,
Malott said…
Good to read you again, Lazarus.
I believe McCain is proud, stubborn, arrogant, and vindictive. I'm convinced he blames Christian Conservatives for stealing the 2000 nomination from him... And I believe that bitter pill has precipitated much of his behavior in the last 8 years.
If Conservatives and Christians rally behind him now, we may see a different McCain than the one we fear.
At 7:39 AM,
LA Sunset said…
//I'm convinced he blames Christian Conservatives for stealing the 2000 nomination from him//
In my view, blame is too harsh of a word here. It was what it was and I think he can't be too bothered with this now.
But beyond this, I have always wondered what endeared the evangelical support to George Bush, anyway? Has abortion been stopped? Is prayer back in the schools? Is the nation any more ethical or moral? I do not ask these things to be flippant or disrespectful. I just know these are issues that I have always understood to be important to a great many evangelical voters, I know.
At 10:00 AM,
SkyePuppy said…
As an evangelical Christian, I'll tackle your questions about Bush.
The President can't stop abortion, but he can appoint Supreme Court Justices who don't see magical things in the Constitution, and Bush appointed Roberts and Alito. That makes us a step closer to overturning Roe v. Wade, which won't stop abortion but will throw it back to the states to decide.
He also prevented federal funding for most embryonic stem-cell research (except for the existing stem-cell lines at the time).
Prayer is not back in the schools, but more conservative Supreme Court Justices may help in that direction as well.
More moral? Hah! Unless the President can control Hollywood and New York, don't look to the presidency for that. Red herring...
What Bush has done is to stand up (mostly) to the evil that threatens us and the world. Evangelical Christians like that too.
But as you say, there's plenty over which to disagree with him. Bush has been the best option Christians have seen in a very long time. We take what crumbs we can get.
At 4:27 AM,
Malott said…
I would echo Skyepuppy's concise response...
But let me add... What I've heard and read leads me to believe that McCain is not a nice man. He might make a great president, but my impression is that he is quite capable of being "proud, stubborn, arrogant, and vindictive."
I believe there are few words too "harsh" to use when describing McCain.
At 10:23 PM,
LA Sunset said…
Malott and Skye, thanks for the response.
//That makes us a step closer to overturning Roe v. Wade, which won't stop abortion but will throw it back to the states to decide.//
No argument from me on the latter half. Outlawing abortion will not stop it though. The back-ally buthcers of the 50s and early 60s will return and girls will die. I'd rather try to stop abortion from the demand side and at least have a doctor handle it, as abhorent as I think it is. Let the girls deal with their own consciences and deal with their own guilt(and believe me, many of them are never the same).
But anything that can be taken out of the hands of the federal government and put into the hands of the states, is good news to me. On that I agree with you.
//He also prevented federal funding for most embryonic stem-cell research (except for the existing stem-cell lines at the time).//
I was in agreement with not expanding the lines. I don't think the government should be in the stem cell business. I don;t think they should be in much of any business other than safely, security, and delivering the mail.
//Prayer is not back in the schools, but more conservative Supreme Court Justices may help in that direction as well.//
That's fine. But then, we cannot get mad when a Muslim gets a foot cleaning room. But beyond this, do we want just any teacher leading the prayer? Who will decide?
As much as I pray and contemplate spiritual things, I would rather have teachers leave faith-based instruction to the parents and the churches.
//What I've heard and read leads me to believe that McCain is not a nice man.//
The way I see it is, I am not hiring a pastor. I am hiring a president.
Sometimes things look one way on the outside, but are quite different on the inside. And other times, a stubborn, hard-ass is what we need when our lives and existences are threatened. Pastors were not created to make wars. Tough men may not always be cuddly and warm on the outside.
And don't forget, unless a person has been in a POW camp (under the conditions he was), you can never truly appreciate the effect it has on a person for the rest of his life.
The thing that I want from a government is one that will not show any preference toward or against any religion. It will protect my right and yours to believe anyway we wish. I just want a government that protects and restores many of the freedoms we once had and have gradually lost through attrition.
The entreaty I would make to evangelicals is we all have two realistic choices. Vote against McCain, elect Obama. That's about where it stands. I guarantee you, Obama will not be what any of us want. McCain may not be everything that any of us want, but he's still miles better than him. He won't screw it up any worse than it is and who knows, he may even make some things better.
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