Quick Note: The Murder of Dr. Tiller
It was clearly wrong for Dr. Tiller to be murdered by an abortion foe. I certainly do not condone such actions. That said, I will point out that the media is going overboard with their coverage. There are people murdered every day for one reason or another: a robbery gone bad, a cheating spouse, wealth envy, or mere inconvenience. The tone of the media that this murder is somehow worst or a graver injustice than others is nauseating. To put things in perspective, I have only found one source regarding the murder of an Army Recruiter in Arkansas and the wounding of another. I doubt we will see the sensational coverage they are using in the Tiller murder. Even when a police officer is killed in the line of duty we do not see such outrage.
Update: Surprise! Army recruiting assistant killed my new Muslim convert who disagrees with our presence in Iran and Afghanistan. This story will not only lack the sensational coverage of the Dr. Tiller murder; it will get buried.
Update II: Liberals blaming Bill O' Reilly rhetoric for death of Dr. Tiller. So who's rhetoric do they blame for the Army Recruiter deaths? Oops, they are silent on that so far.
Update III: Michelle Malkin points out the difference in the statements by Obama about each murder.
Obama's strong statement on the Dr. Tiller murder:
I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.
Obama's weak statement on the William Long murder:
“I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long’s family as they mourn the loss of their son.”
Update: Surprise! Army recruiting assistant killed my new Muslim convert who disagrees with our presence in Iran and Afghanistan. This story will not only lack the sensational coverage of the Dr. Tiller murder; it will get buried.
Update II: Liberals blaming Bill O' Reilly rhetoric for death of Dr. Tiller. So who's rhetoric do they blame for the Army Recruiter deaths? Oops, they are silent on that so far.
Update III: Michelle Malkin points out the difference in the statements by Obama about each murder.
Obama's strong statement on the Dr. Tiller murder:
I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.
Obama's weak statement on the William Long murder:
“I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long’s family as they mourn the loss of their son.”
Labels: abortion, Dr. Tiller, Quick Note
At 12:00 PM,
SkyePuppy said…
I think it was Michelle Malkin who pointed out that (according to the press) when anti-abortionists kill, thousands pull the trigger. But when Muslims kill, they act alone. Hmmm...
At 10:12 PM,
Joe Smoe: American Citizen said…
What are you talking about??? I saw an extensive piece on ABC News about that PSUEDO Islamic jackass just tonight.
It's known fact that your Draft Dodging and incendiary blowhard pal Swill O insights the inbred RABBLE of the Right and other Bible Banging Americans. This same Dr. was attacked before and his clinic BOMBED all done previously by the same BIBLE BANGING TERRORIST MOVEMENT.
You and your lock step GOP Brown shirts might not like that a woman has a choice, but unfortunately that RIGHT has been the law of the land since 1973.You clowns had 8 years with GOD’S CHOSEN NITWIT at the helm and you were still unable to repeal ROE v. WADE.
So, what do you call a person that is a part of organized group that murders, plants explosives and destroys buildings because they refuse to recognize the law of the country they live in? A TERRORIST.
And if this is the case, then Bill O’Reilly is an inciter of Terrorists…NOW THAT IS NEWS!!!
At 10:58 AM,
SkyePuppy said…
(shaking head...)
Take your meds, buddy. The doctors gave them to you for a reason.
At 6:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
What's shocking and outrageous to those of us in the human race is to continually watch these so-called "pro-life" wackos committing acts of murder "in the name of God" and then watch all the apologists running to their defense, either directly or like this post, indirectly by feigning indignation over "too much" media coverage.
This murder deserves deeper attention because while the assassin may have been acting alone, this murder is connected to a wider movement of domestic terrorism that openly calls for the destruction of property and assassination of American citizens.
At 8:04 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
I see you are not interested in an accurate portrayal of what I said. I did not in anyway defend the murder of Dr. Tiller. Note the word "murdered" in my first sentence. Does that seem like a defense to you?
When I used the terms media going overboard in coverage, I made it clear I was speaking in terms of comparison to coverage of other types of murders. If some murders are worse than others in their eyes, they obviously by their level of coverage and rhetoric put this murder in some of the worst kinds. Much, much lower are murders such as a police officer getting killed, or soldiers getting fragged by a grenade by an Islamic sympathizer, or a woman in the Middle East getting stoned for adultery or gasp! for being a Christian.
Please provide the links where such murders as Dr. Tillers are being called for. While there may be a very, very small fringe out there sympathetic to such violence I would reject the notion that there is significant representation of it.
At 8:04 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
I see you are not interested in an accurate portrayal of what I said. I did not in anyway defend the murder of Dr. Tiller. Note the word "murdered" in my first sentence. Does that seem like a defense to you?
When I used the terms media going overboard in coverage, I made it clear I was speaking in terms of comparison to coverage of other types of murders. If some murders are worse than others in their eyes, they obviously by their level of coverage and rhetoric put this murder in some of the worst kinds. Much, much lower are murders such as a police officer getting killed, or soldiers getting fragged by a grenade by an Islamic sympathizer, or a woman in the Middle East getting stoned for adultery or gasp! for being a Christian.
Please provide the links where such murders as Dr. Tillers are being called for. While there may be a very, very small fringe out there sympathetic to such violence I would reject the notion that there is significant representation of it.
At 1:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
What the hell is wrong with you? We're talking about domestic terrorism. Your *gasping* histrionics are hypocritical and misplaced given that you're allegedly a Christian and so was Tiller so I'd think you'd be equally concerned with him as your "woman in the Middle East". And now we've just had the second politically motivated murder on American soil in as many weeks. Seems like you could care less. Is that because these murders were committed by people who espoused a political philosophy similar to yours and O'Reilly? If Von Brunn had been an "Ay-Rab" I'm guessing you'd be all over that. But instead he's a white guy like McVeigh. No one will ever forget 9/11 but why in God's name have you people forgotten 4/19?
Use real news sources (as opposed to opinion shlock from the likes of Malkin and Newsbusters) you will be wholly aware of the rhetoric and violence espoused by organizations and celebrities like Army of God, Operation Rescue, Randall Terry, Westboro Baptist Church, Aryan Nations, etc.
At 2:15 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
I would disagree that we are talking about domestic terrorism in either of these murders. It is that - murder. Murder because they disagree on some issue.
you said you will be wholly aware of the rhetoric and violence espoused by organizations and celebrities like Army of God, Operation Rescue, Randall Terry, Westboro Baptist Church, Aryan Nations, etc.
Again, please send links to quotes of violent rhetoric toward abortion doctors / clinics. Sorry but quotes like "abortion is murder" does not qualify. Yes, I have heard the MSM referring to conservative rhetoric they believe encouraged this, but I have yet to see a quote that even remotely condones violence much less calls for it. Laughable that you are throwing in groups like Aryan Nation and Westboro Baptist. Everybody condemns these. Why not add the hateful congregations of Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan to your list? Plenty of haters out there.
At 2:21 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
As for neocon hater Von Brunn, I don't have time to write about every single nutjob out there.
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Golly gee Mr. Logic, I sure do wonder what YOUR definition of "terrorism" is. Most major real world dictionaries go something like this:
"the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion"
But you don't like to use the word "terrorism" to describe a protracted history of violence against our government and citizens...... unless of course the perpetrators are non-whites, Muslims or "leftists", right? You do realize that's utterly hypocritical, right?
Why are you being ignorant on purpose? How does that serve you? Educate yourself. Stop being lazy and use your "Google" before spinning more crap out of your piehole:
This site has lists of murderers and criminals that they refer to as "heroes" solely because they destroy private property and harrass, intimidate, maim and murder people.
How differently would you view the lists of "heroes" and "calls to action" if this were the site for MoveOn or NOW or Nation of Islam?
At 1:04 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
It is obvious that you are obsessed with this thing. Your comments are getting more and more looney over this.
As for the definition of terrorism, according to your loose view a thug performing a stick up causing enough fear in the victim to hand over his cash equals terrorism. Sure any act that inspires fear can be loosely placed under the term terrorism.
Many days out of the year we will find acts of violence up to murder that will inspire fear. Just look at any union strike where people are crossing the picket line. Now that is violence as a means of coercion. However, I doubt any liberals would place this in the terrorist category. It is certainly much more organized and frequent than any anti-abortion violence we have seen. I don't see too much denouncement of union thugs from the left. I notice that the leftist wikipedia entry on domestic terrorism does not list unions:
The 9 murders and 17 attempted murders (over what, 3 decades) are listed under their anti-abortion listing:
The Cato institute gives an idea of the level of union violence:
"The National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR) has recorded 8,799 incidents of violence from news reports since 1975."
To take isolated killings and call them terrorism is diluting the definition of the word. In this case the dilution is purposeful twofold: to bolster a liberal pet cause by making a murder something more pronounced than it is and secondly to attempt to lower the seriousness of true terrorism that actually threatens the entire globe.
Nice try on the claim of laziness. It is not my job or duty to support your claims. It is your job. To claim I am lazy because I do not want to do your research is ludicrous. If "terroism" against abortionist is so organized and widespread as you allude to, you should have had no trouble finding proof of it. As for your single link of some wacky group that cheers such acts of violence and calls them heroes; I have never heard of them. As I said, I am sure there are a few whack jobs out there for every little pet cause.
So since we see a level of violence from unions at approximately 30 times greater than anti-abortion violence, I would expect to see union denouncement at 30 times the volume and effort that you and your crowd exerts against the few anti-abortion whack jobs. If not, don't talk to me about hypocrisy.
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 6:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Opulently I to but I contemplate the list inform should have more info then it has.
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