Fidel Castro - Ecoterrorist
If you perform a Google search on [Bush ecoterrorist] you will get pages and pages of links of extremist Bush haters labeling him an ecoterrorist. I wonder now if Fidel Castro, hero of the left, will also get this label? Cuba has hooked up with China to perform offshore drilling just 60 miles south of Florida. According to the Washington Times:
As huge oil profits for Venezuala have emboldened Hugo Chavez, imagine how oil will embolden Castro. Hopefully Castro won't live long enough for us to see that. What is it about these evil men that live to such ripe old ages?
Cuba is drilling for oil 60 miles off the coast of Florida with help from China, Canada and Spain even as Congress struggles to end years of deadlock over drilling for what could be a treasure trove of offshore oil and gas.So the usual parties held up by the left (Cuba, China and Canada) are participating in this environmental "attack". Where is Greenpeace? Where are the other lefties who so strongly denounce the US for even thinking of increasing their oil exploration? Will they be as vocal against Castro as they have against Bush? If not, then we have a consistency and credibility problem. We will then know that this crowd is not really concerned about the environment. They simply hate capitalism and know that the oil supply is vital to the US economy.
Republicans in Congress have tried repeatedly in the past decade to open up the outer continental shelf to exploration, and Florida's waters hold some of the most promising prospects for major energy finds. Their efforts have been frustrated by opposition from Florida, California and environmental-minded legislators from both parties.
As huge oil profits for Venezuala have emboldened Hugo Chavez, imagine how oil will embolden Castro. Hopefully Castro won't live long enough for us to see that. What is it about these evil men that live to such ripe old ages?
At 12:54 PM,
Malott said…
"They simply hate capitalism..."
Maybe they hate anyone who has more than they do. Maybe they hate for people to have power they don't have. Maybe they hate people who are happier than they are.
Maybe they are just hateful and envious "little" men and women.
I don't care what the Left's problem is, I want the U.S. to find and use the resources we have while they're still worth something... cut imported oil, and help the economy. Nothing was ever accomplished by placating and appeasing the unaccomplished.
At 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry, who are unaccomplished capitalism haters? Been to the blue areas of the country lately? I assure you, there's a whole lot of accomplishment going on. And many, many people enjoying the fruits of their accomplishments, too, after competing and winning in the most competitive markets on the planet. Your argument is not supported by anything factual. Its driven only by an irrational hatred of liberals. Its not a useful way to look at the world, assuming you're interested in actually understanding things.
At 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
PAW, "your arguments are not supported by fact"
If that is true, it makes two of you.
At 10:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
The fact that blue states contain successful captitalists does not mean that the majority of the populations within blue states are successful capitalists, entrepreneurs, etc. There are many poor and downtrodden people in those blue states who vote for liberals, too. In fact, I daresay, many of the successful entrepreneurs in blue states actually vote red, but they are outmanned by the unsuccessful that liberals have convinced will be helped by liberal policies.
At 11:12 PM,
Jacob said…
I think these comments are just a smidge shy of coming right out and saying "poor people suck cos they vote liberal so let's cut their welfare payments."
That was the vibe I was getting, anyway.
At 4:55 AM,
LA Sunset said…
But AICS, you must know that if it wasn't for the US not doing business with Cuba, he wouldn't need to drill for oil, therefore wrecking the environment. It's all our fault.
In fact, it's Bush's fault. Never mind that we haven't traded with Cuba for the last 50 years here, long before there was ever a Bush in the WH. It's still Bush's fault. Therefore, it is he and not Castro that is the environmental terrorist.
At 7:57 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
No matter how many times I keep repeating "It's always Bush's fault" I just can't seem to make it stick in my head. I have some kind of mental block...truth, maybe?
At 11:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I hang out with some Manhattanites in finance (I'm not trying to be a big shot so please don't ding me - I'm just saying I know the territory first hand). Those fancy Manhattan restaurants and parties are filled to capacity with liberals who have crazy amounts of money. Point being, any characterization of blue states as dominated by unsuccessful losers and people preying on them is just not accurate.
At 1:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm not saying that blue states are dominated by unsuccessful losers, and that the number of successful liberals are few. I'm making the point that a state being "blue" or "red" doesn't tell the whole story. There a lot of wealthy people in big cities, but you can't discount the far greater number of people who aren't wealthy in the same cities.
At 2:13 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
I am curious how many of your wealthy liberal friends feel so strongly that the rich are undertaxed that they send the government extra every year?
ok, it is on the line of being a cheap shot, but all the same I think it is a valid question.
At 2:21 PM,
Malott said…
Sorry, but I've always had a mental image of environmentalists, college professors, the barefoot anti-war crowd and others on the Left "fringe" that's consistent with hate and envy, and though it's obviously a generalization and unfair to some, I stand by my original statement... as a generalization.
I've also heard that the rich liberals you speak of are often politically motivated by feelings of guilt (another generalization), so I guess I should have added guilt to hate and envy.
If this is true, they should really try giving 10% of their income to the Church and other charities like the poor, unsophisticated Evangelicals do... Or maybe give sacrificially until it hurts, like many right-wing conservative Christians do. My church supports groups that dig wells in Africa and build homes in the tsunami stricken areas... among other things, and I sleep so well.
Anyway, if the rich liberals lived humbly, they could kick the guilt trip, and their liberal love and concern for their fellow man would be more convincing and spiritually rewarding.
You might want to pass that along to your rich liberal buddies... Just mix it into the conversation at one of those parties in Manhattan. In no time at all you'll probably all be sitting around in a circle singing Amazing Grace. Maybe.
At 5:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would guess none, but I'm not sure.
At 5:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have a much better idea where you're coming from now. That's probably all I should say. See you around.
At 6:36 AM,
Jacob said…
There's nothing flattering about people who boast about their philanthropy.
At 8:58 AM,
Malott said…
Sorry, but conservative Christians are often portrayed as selfish and mean, and I think it's important to say that they are in fact the most generous people on the planet. They're no better than you or anyone else, but they are obedient in their giving. It's simply part of their faith.
Personally speaking, I'm neither generous nor a philanthropist. I don't give sacrificially. I don't give till it hurts.
At 11:07 AM,
Mojo_Risin said…
Firstly, I don't know many liberal people who hold up China and Cuba as great places to live. Cuba is pretty much an island slum. China has a human rights crisis that most liberals hate. The only thing China has going for it is a growing economy. Generally, both countries show up a lot on Amnesty International's email alerts. So the foundation of this argument starts off on sandy footing.
Second, to go from bashing liberals who don't want the U.S. expanding oil exploration into delicate natural wildlife preserves all the way to saying they "hate capitalism" is a HUGE logical leap. It's unworthy of a site that calls itself "The Logic Lifeline".
Finally, I think we all agree that the true Christians do an amazing amount of good in the world through their outreach programs and missionary work. Unfortunately, I've known too many Christians who begrudge every cent they give to these programs. Or they only give it out of habit or obligation, not love for their fellow man who was unfortunate enough to be born outside of stable and industrialized countries.
At 12:42 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Second, to go from bashing liberals who don't want the U.S. expanding oil exploration into delicate natural wildlife preserves all the way to saying they "hate capitalism" is a HUGE logical leap. It's unworthy of a site that calls itself "The Logic Lifeline".
If you have evidence that these people love and support Capitalism, please share.
Firstly, I don't know many liberal people who hold up China and Cuba as great places to live.
I was not referring to living there. How many Hollywood lefties have we heard go gaa-gaa over Fidel Castro?
The main point here is wondering if it is environmentally heinous to drill offshore in US waters, but perfectly fine 00 miles south? Also, which country is best equipped to obtain the oil with the least effect on the environment? The US, China or Cuba?
At 12:45 PM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
oops, make that 60 miles south
At 1:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
How many and which Hollywoodies have gone ga-ga over Fidel? I don't follow entertainment 'news'.
At 1:23 PM,
Mojo_Risin said…
Hmmm, lemme see... how do I prove that liberals can support and love capitalism and the Earth at the same time?
Honestly, I didn't know they were mutually exclusive.
Maybe if I point out that they drive cars, buy goods, earn paychecks, and do all the things that conservatives do when it comes to finances, will that qualify as support for capitalism? Doesn't everybody who buys and sells in this country tacitly support capitalism? As far as proving they love it, that's probably harder. Try "proving" you love your mother...
And if you think that actors summarize the left's positions, then you're making the same mistake some liberals make when they assume a donkey like Pat Robertson or a fool like James Dobson speaks for all conservatives on all counts.
At 2:36 PM,
Malott said…
I can imagine someone being uninformed and thinking Pat Robertson and his benevolent organization have no redeeming qualities... it's fashionable to think that, and he does come out from time to time with some stupid remarks which the media jumps on.
But where does this trashing of James Dobson come from? He is perhaps the most sane, kind, decent, and mainstream of the Christian leaders in the country. The gay lobby doesn't like him because of his pro-family politics and his support of Exodus International, but when you call him a fool you are calling the majority of church-going people in this country fools.
You really should listen to his radio show a couple times. It would give you a much more realistic and honest take on the man than what you will get from some media-type with an agenda. I just can't imagine anyone not liking this humble old man who drives an old car and helps people.
Oh, and except for your two examples, I thought you made a pretty good point.
At 2:53 PM,
Mojo_Risin said…
Thanks. I thought I made a pretty good point, too ;-) (man, I feel dirty when I use smilies.)
I'll disagree with you on Robertson -- he may have some good personal qualities, but if you're listening to him for sound reasoning, you should change the channel.
However, I probably should have used a different example instead of Dobson, since there are plenty of others I could have used. He was just the first one that came to mind. However, his idea that Spongebob was being used as a tool of "the gays" to further their agenda would have made me laugh if so many others hadn't agreed with him.
And you're wrong when you think I have no exposure to Dobson -- I used to listen to him frequently in the 80s and early 90s on WMBI in Chicago (not so much since, admittedly).
At 6:25 PM,
Malott said…
The SpongeBob advertisement, or whatever it was, that Dobson was concerned about was removed before I got to see it, so I really can't comment.
After the uproar Dobson's comment was, "Hate the sin, love the Sponge."
At 7:58 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
How many and which Hollywoodies have gone ga-ga over Fidel? I don't follow entertainment 'news'.
A list of some who have actually traveled to Cuba to meet Fidel (according to author James Hirsen) are:
Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte, Ed Asner, Spike Lee, Sydney Pollack, Oliver Stone, Robert Redford, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kevin Costner, Chevy Chase, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, Jack Nicholson and Steven Spielberg.
I've also seen or heard plenty of comments from these clowns and others gushing over the dictator.
At 8:07 AM,
All_I_Can_Stands said…
Hmmm, lemme see... how do I prove that liberals can support and love capitalism and the Earth at the same time?
It is always best to stick with what one says instead of stretching it and then arguing against the stretch. I did not claim one could not be both a capitalist and an earth lover. My comment was that I had not seen many exhibiting both attachments. To clarify I would be specifically talking about the more vocal and organized environmentalists. They seem to have an animosity toward capitalism.
Maybe if I point out that they drive cars, buy goods, earn paychecks, and do all the things that conservatives do when it comes to finances, will that qualify as support for capitalism? Doesn't everybody who buys and sells in this country tacitly support capitalism?
Actually these qualities can be seen in capitalist, socialist and communist countries. The difference is usually not at the individual level, but in the relationship between the government and business, and the government and the individual.
Your comments do, however, remind me of the hypocrisy we often see among vocal environmentalists who travel in pollution causing vehicles and jet around the world.
At 9:02 AM,
Mojo_Risin said…
I did not claim one could not be both a capitalist and an earth lover.
Well, you were the one who went from Point A (that environmentalists are against the upsetting of delicate environments) to Point B (therefore they hate capitalism). So no, I wasn't stretching your point. I was trying to follow the logic leap you introduced.
[the more vocal and organized environmentalists... seem to have an animosity toward capitalism.]
I don't get this assumption, either. I see environmentalists as working against businesses and industries that push their agendas regardless of the damage those agendas will do to the Earth or the people on it.
And though environmentalists are usually seen as slacker hippies, you can see that environmentalists do, in fact, start businesses (old Starbucks, Jamba Juice, a million organic farms, even Paul Newman's foods are environmentally friendly companies. A quick Web search will show many more). So environmentalists are a part of our capitalist economy.
The difference is usually not at the individual level, but in the relationship between the government and business, and the government and the individual.
But we were talking about individuals, AICS... how do we prove that individuals love capitalism?
Your comments do, however, remind me of the hypocrisy we often see among vocal environmentalists who travel in pollution causing vehicles and jet around the world.
You're right there, AICS, about some of the environmentalists. There's hypocrisy all around us. Be careful to look at them individually, though. Many actually do cut down on pollution-causing travel, or take buses and trains, or motorcycles, which pollute less per rider. Unfortunately, in this country, you can't do much without driving somewhere.
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