Obama Draws Not So Subtle Parallel Between Christian Right and Terrorists
Sen. Barack Obama told a church convention Saturday that some right- wing evangelical leaders have exploited and politicized religious beliefs in an effort to sow division."Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and started being used to drive us apart. It got hijacked," the Democratic presidential candidate said in remarks prepared for delivery before the national meeting of the United Church of Christ.
"Part of it's because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, who've been all too eager to exploit what divides us," the Illinois senator said.
By making the claim that the Christian Right has hijacked the Faith, Obama is putting them in the same league as Islamofascist terrorists. While some have claimed the principles of the entire Islamic religion support the notion of killing innocent people in the the name of religion, others have tried to throw Islam an Olive Branch by claiming it is a "religion of peace" and that this "noble" religion has merely been hijacked by terrorism. The claim that Terrorists have "hijacked" their religion is a very common claim that very few could have missed.
It is unthinkable that Obama is unaware of the venom and equality to terrorism when he chose to use the word "hijacked". It is obvious that he wanted to link the two entities as being on the same moral ground. The only way that this could not have been purposeful is that Obama (as many lefties do) takes it as a given that the Christian Right and Islamic terrorists are of the same stripe. Taking such a parallel for granted in his mind would eventually leak out into his speech. Whether the parallel was intentional or Obama's mindset that it is true caused this disgusting statement does not matter. Either way Obama believes it.
I am the first to admit that the Christian Right has its problems. So does the Christian Left. So does every political entity from all political perspectives. However, the number of people in all of these organizations, churches, clubs, etc. that would support or initiate the slaughtering of innocent people and rejoice in it is a fraction of one percent. Many from all persuasions simply think they are right and are using their influence to convince others that they are right. Many from all persuasions want to use their influence to shape public policy. The Christian Right is no different in this. People have a big problem with the Christian Right because they are well represented and are effective in shaping public policy.
To me, Obama's statement is not so subltle yet I have not seen anyone else point out this parallel yet. I am sure on Monday it will be brought out and we will see if Obama apologizes or not. My prediction is that he will deny the parallel and move on. Apologies are often demanded, but they make the apologizer appear weak: especially if it is obviously forced and insincere. The longer the time between the offense and the apology, the more damage occurs. Obama would be smart to just get it over with from the start.
Update: Here is a link discussing the hijacking of Islam by terrorists to give you a flavor of what I am referring to.
Labels: Barack Obama, Christian Right, Islamofascists, radical Islam