Media Curiosity Limited to Conservatives?
The probing question of curiosity that I have (which is admittedly fishing) has to do with the recent news that Bill Clinton's speech career since leaving office has brought in $40 million. Now I am all for legal ways of making money and speech making is usually honorable and above board. However, Bill has the distinction of having a wife who is a U.S. Senator. Where a bribe taking is illegal and there are limits to campaign contributions; there is no limit to the money a non-official can make giving speeches. So if there ever was an easy way to get money to Hillary in return for favors, it would be by hiring Bill to give a speech; paying his high fees without blinking. I have no evidence this is what is happening. However, isn't $40 Million enough to perk the curiosity of the media to investigate just who is booking and paying for these speeches? If he is speaking at a University, how many times is a school "donor" footing the bill? Is anyone asked why they are willing to pay so much for a simple speech? While Bill can give a charismatic interview or stump speech, I have never found his formal speeches to be all that inspiring or interesting.
It is always amazing how lucritive the careers of Senatorial spouses can be. Bill Clinton's success should peak some curiosity shouldn't it? So far all I am seeing is yawns.
Labels: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, media, speeches