In the last month I have spent a fair amount of time delving into the world of liberals. I have watched more CNN and MSNBC. I have deeply explored the blogosphere of the left. I have even listened to Air America some since I noticed they are on the Chicago radio. The result is that I am absolutely stunned and astounded. I have tried to be completely objective. Not to boast but I think I have a gift for being fair and objective. I would call a spade a spade even if it killed me.
My objective opinion of my research of the left is - - they are stark raving crazy. The things they say are like people you know that just talk a mile a minute and never say anything. While at times they make a rational point, 99% of the time they are spewing out hatred, anger and frustration. Their "facts" are usually a straw man they have quickly constructed and then continue to argue against the straw man. It really boggles the mind that they think anyone not already of their mind set could take them seriously.
There is the rub. I can't shake the feeling that these guys, the mainstream media and most politicians are up to something sinister. My best guess is that they are purposefully churning out nonsense that inevitably will turn people away from trusting them. Like they are flushing out a rabbit or a pheasant in hunting - toward the hunter. Those on the right keep moving toward the left, while the far left's loony ideas push people toward the right. They run toward the right either as a place they think they can trust, or as an alternative to the craziness.
Even with politicians, most current Republicans are to the left of JFK and LBJ and moving more to the left with each election cycle while talking about moving right. The Democrats are getting more and more extreme and incredible which only pushes people to the right. They have this unending shrill criticism of all things 'George Bush' and / or GOP, yet they propose no answers or solutions. They see the results of this at the elections, yet they continue to do the same thing.
I am not so trusting and gullible that I do not know there is opportunity every day to be duped by somebody on the left or right. However, the magnitude of what I see as a potential mass duping is a bizaare phenomenon.
I have my eyes on both sides. On the left is sure folly. There is nothing there at all, but when both the left and right seem controlled and maneuvered by some strange hand it is almost enough to make me a believer in conspiracy theories.