Without mentioning any names, someone commenting on this blog seems to think I shy away from certain elements of the truth. I get the impression that this charge will continue unless this blog looks more like Crooks and Liars, Salon.com, Daily Kos, Daily Dissent and other such blogs. Of course this is not going to happen.
In fact the purpose of my blog is not to point to any wrong (perceived, indicted or convicted) for the mere point of saying "See, another Democrat or Liberal did this or that". Instead it is usually to make a point of discussion about things specifically related to that case. (Yes, sometimes I point things out just for humor value)
My stance is clear that the actions of some do not necessarily detract from the message of their group. There will always be bad eggs in every group. Out of the thousands of politicians and their administrations and staffers serving only a handful actually get convicted. If somebody did not have a life and took the time to average the numbers per party over the years perhaps you would see that neither party has cornered the market on criminal or unethical activity.
Instead of investigating and prosecuting in a cherry picked fashion, I want all politicians engaged in criminal activity to be unearthed and prosecuted. I was asked why I did not point out the wrong doing of Governor Taft, Duke Cunningham, Abramoff, Safavian and Scanlon. At the time I did not know who that last three were and had not heard of Taft's troubles. I did want to post on Duke Cunningham, but ran out of time until the story was old and I moved on to other things.
So I will state clearly hear that Cunningham's acceptance of bribes was wrong, dispicable and shameful. I know from Chicago/Illinois politics how prevalent bribe taking can be as we have seen a rash of bribe related prosecutions among city politicians and even former Governor Ryan whom I despise.
Safavian seems to have been charged with making false statements and obstruction of justice. I still don't know really who this guy is. This guy is so obscure I really have no comment, but have posted what he is charged with. The link provided for Scanlon did not work, so I don't know who he is either.
Bob Taft seems to have failed to report some paid golf games as gifts and been fined $4000 for this breach. In this current environment it is critical that all politicians be careful to report these gifts. Taft
joins the ranks of other politicans who have had trouble with filing their gifts/paid trips such as:
Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawai'i
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
Bart Stupak (D-MI)
Maxine Waters
Elizabeth Greer, an aide to Rep. F. Allen Boyd Jr., D-Fla
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)
Representative Ellen O. Tauscher, a California Democrat
Rep. Harold Ford Jr.
Two Chicago Democrats, Reps. Bobby Rush and Luis Gutierrez
Rep. Jim McGovern from Massachusetts
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.)
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
* List Compliments of Noagenda.org
Abramoff seems to be some lobbyist that had quite a lot of dealings. I could not find his political affiliation so perhaps the point here was that he had paid for a trip for Tom Delay. This seems to be true. Abramoff has also been involved in providing trips, donations and skyboxes to the following politicians as well:
Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Dick Gephardt
Tom Harkin
James Clayborn
Others that can be shown at the
following illustration also courtesy of noagenda.orgLet it not be said that the Logic Lifeline shies from the truth. Hopefully there is enough truth in this post for both sides of the aisle.